Human Resources

Gen “Y Not?” – Building the Next Generation of Government

If you’re interested in this topic, please consider attending our Next Generation of Government Summit on July 28-29 in Washington, DC, where emerging leaders and thinkers will convene to chart the future course of government. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** In another post, I captured the proceedings of an International Symposium which is discussing “Generation Y and Public Management:Read… Read more »

How Customers Can Energize Your Employees

Adam Grant writes in the June 2011 issue of Harvard Business Review that research shows that customers themselves are “surprisingly effective in motivating people to work harder, smarter, and more productively.” I’ve seen this phenomenon at work in government, as well as in private industry. I remember the story of a Virginia state trooper whoRead… Read more »

Failure Is Always An Option

The scenario is familiar: A crisis has occurred or is eminent. The leader assembles is team. He gives a rousing pep talk which includes this phrase: “Failure is not an option!” Failure is always an option. It’s the most likely option. Far more likely than success. Far easier to happen. If it wasn’t, a dramaticRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications [Live Blog from Paris]

Good morning. I am live blogging from the Ministry of Finance in Paris, France, where I am participating in an event hosted by the Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management). This marks the 10th year of an annual event and this year’s theme is “Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications.”Read… Read more »

Soldier Ride, Not Your Average Bike Race

Imagine you’re on a nice long bike ride. At the finish line you are greeted by friends, supports, and the GEICO Gecko? GEICO is the national sponsor for the 2011 Soldier Ride National Tour, a cause which benefits the Wounded Warrior Project WWP is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of veterans and friendsRead… Read more »

Blog Recap: Yesterday’s Hearing On Inspiring Students To Federal Service

Yesterday I had the chance to sit in on a hearing by the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia. It was titled “Inspiring Students to Federal Service.” I took some notes and thought I’d share them in the form of brief summaries of each of theRead… Read more »

Is Social Recruiting a Growing Hotbed for OFCCP Claims? recently published a very informative article titled “Social Networks: A New Hotbed for Hiring Discrimination Claims.” The article gives a comprehensive perspective into the world of corporate recruiting, particularly how recruiters are using social networks more and more to evaluate potential hires. Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter give recruiters and hiring managersRead… Read more »

How to Negotiate Salary for Your Job Offer

You’ve received a job offer but you’re not pleased with the salary being offered. What do you do? ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist Patra Frame discusses the best strategy for negotiating your offer, including salary. Your first consideration is, do you really want the job? Don’t waste anyone’s time with negotiations for a position that doesn’t interestRead… Read more »