Human Resources

On Diversity

The question of diversity in the technology industry is one I have few answers for. Lots of evidence to examine, but few answers. I do know it’s worth examining, though, and that not having the answers isn’t an excuse to stop asking the questions. I started in technology in the videogame industry in 1995. AsRead… Read more »

Management 1.0 – How are things in the U.S?

In Australia management in the public sector has an unhealthy managerialist bent. In a nutshell, a one size fits all approach coupled with the inherently arrogant notion that ‘more management’ is the solution to everything. In the main, this sad state of affairs has been peddled in the public sector by strategic human resources orRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Shall We Play A Game?

So what do you think? Would playing a game inspire you into a future career? It seems more and more employers are entering the world of gaming – so look out Farmville! Recruiters are utilizing an organization specific game in hopes of snagging their next great employee – for those job seekers who are willingRead… Read more »

Summer Internship Opportunity at U.S. EEOC – Web Design, Info Tech

The U.S. EEOC Is Seeking A “Summer Intern” Overview: Applicant will work at the U.S. EEOC within the Office of Information Technology (OIT) as a Web Designer Qualifications: Applicant must currently be enrolled in an accredited college with the intent of obtaining a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in the computer or journalism fields. Applicant mustRead… Read more »

HTML 5 – Google at AOL

Last week, AOL hosted the National Capital Area Google Technical User Group. In AOL’s lobby, they had HiDef video presentations, the kind AOL has been perfecting since the 1990s. They are getting sharper with new technology and better production values, but the use of post-TV video has been an AOL feature for as long asRead… Read more »

New York invests in wind, hydro, landfill power

Tweet New York is investing nearly $191 million in wind, hydroelectric and landfill-to-gas projects to provide renewable energy access throughout the state. The funds will be awarded through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the Public Service Commission (PSC) and will cover 17 projects. NYSERDA estimates that these power projectsRead… Read more »