Human Resources

ECM Helps Control the Information Explosion

Survey data indicates that a majority of organizations are unhappy with their information systems, yet, ironically some 90% consider managing online information as critical to their future! With the present explosion of social media and other forms of online information, generation of data is outpacing our capability to manage it. Hence the value of anRead… Read more »

Weekly Update from CEIL’s President

From the President We’ve set the date! So mark your calendars for November 30 – December 1st and register for GOVgreen 2011. We received over 70 submissions for the educational tracks and the Program-at-a-Glance is online for your review. New benefits this year: CEU and USGBC credits for approved courses Expanded exhibit floor with overRead… Read more »

Federal Employee Pay In The Spotlight Once Again

The report this time is that 77,000 federal employees earn more than the governors in their states. To give you an idea of the findings, Governor salaries ranged between $70,000 in Maine and $212,179 in California. Colorado had the most federal employees, with 10,875 workers having salaries higher than the state’s governor, who earned $90,000Read… Read more »

Regulatory Reform: Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration launched a regulatory reform effort. President Obama committed to a “look back” at existing regulations and asked agencies to identify “outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome” rules on the books. Here’s one example of what the review found: Since the 1970s, milk has been defined as an “oil” andRead… Read more »

The Art of Letting Go: Freeing Up Grief, Defusing Power Struggles and Inspiring Flow

The phrase “letting go” has long been a vital part of my stress management overview, especially related to breaking the “erosive spiral” of that all-consuming “b”-word. (When it comes to stress, actually, a number of emotionally charged “b” words jump to mind, for example, “botox,” or when you have a BMW colleague, which I recentlyRead… Read more »

What Could Possibly Be Next?

450,000 Govies Outta Work in FY2012 Sorry for the grim news, but that that’s exactly what they reported last week. So, if you’re a government worker either for a state, county, town or village – pink slips are in the forecast. If you thought it was bad last year (300,000 jobs were cut) – braceRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Real Life Recruiting in a Virtual World

Today’s guest blogger is Frank Stipe; Frank manages the IRS Recruitment Office’s virtual recruitment program. We invite you to reach out to Frank in Second Life, where he’s known as RobinRasperry Sorbet. In today’s world, word-of-mouth is still the most powerful and trusted communications channel. In Second Life, IRS takes word-of-mouth marketing to the nextRead… Read more »

Washington gets $23m for health insurance exchange

Washington has received a $23 million federal grant to create a new health insurance exchange through the state’s Health Care Authority plan. The health insurance exchange is a key component of federal health care reform and builds on a series of recent legislative and funding moves designed to create a comprehensive response to health careRead… Read more »