Human Resources

What Skills Do Future Feds Need? Win Free Tickets For Your Answer!

Government is certainly changing but getting the job done can’t change. Human Capital and getting good people into government is becoming increasingly more important and hard at the same time. Never fear though GovLoop wants to help you out with FREE tickets to an awesome conference: FPMI’s Annual Human Capital Management Conference & Expo. JustRead… Read more »

Are You Impacted by BRAC and Wondering What To Do

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist. Once it seemed so far away and so full of tough choices that it was easy to postpone decisions. But here your BRAC changes still are and the deadlines approach. What now? Step 1. What are you actually facing? Great job, moving to a distant location –Read… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Vanishing Pensions, Sting Operations, and the Wisdom of Crowds

It’s time to “take 5” for the… Friday Fab 5! We had a busy week here on the site. Lots of great content and even more great comments! I wish we could recognize them all, but alas, we only have the time to highlight a few. So without further ado… Today’s Blog of the WeekRead… Read more »

Unhappy About “unprecedented assault on the federal worker”

Federal workers have a message for the White House: Keep your hands off my retirement benefits. Already enduring a two-year pay freeze in the name of deficit reduction, federal employees are now facing cuts to their generous retirement packages — a possible outcome of bipartisan debt talks led by Vice president Joe Biden. “Federal workersRead… Read more »

Reducing Budget Concerns with Teleworking Programs

In this edition of CivSource’s The Gallery, Christina Morrison, HP Public Sector Marketing Manager, discusses the benefits of teleworking in state and local government agencies, from cost savings to environmental benefits. The recent recession took a significant toll on the finances of state and local governments, and despite the recent economic uptick, many government agenciesRead… Read more »

Open Grantmaking – Enabling high performance social enterprise will function as a “Social Innovation Marketplace”. This means it will also help to incubate, launch and fast-track Social Enterprise organizations, achieving two key goals: Enabling Social Impact investing Pioneering Open Government Grantmaking best practices Enabling Social Impact investing As well as the Canadian Government RFPs from MERX, our other growth areas will includeRead… Read more »

Looking for a Government HRIS job?

I had the pleasure of attending the IHRIM HRM Strategies conference yesterday and attended a great session on the Lifecycle of an HRIS Career. The speakers, Kevin Murphy, HRIP, Director SAID, NIH and Tim Newman, HRIP, Associate Director, HR Systems and Business Transformation, US Navy, offered great insight on what skill set and backgrounds translateRead… Read more »

Towards Large-Scale Sustainability: Wal-Mart Goes Green

How do you change the way a multinational corporation does business? Simplify the message. Could the same tactic work for Federal agencies? It is well-known to many Americans that Wal-Mart has been taking steps towards sustainability for the past few years. Wal-Mart, like many companies, saw that ‘going green’ was good for the environment, andRead… Read more »

How Federal Pensions Might Be Targeted

Political Cartoon for Blog Washington Post Reporter Ed O’Keefe discusses how federal pensions might be targeted by a bipartisan fiscal commission: After years of fighting for and against it, the White House and congressional negotiators are seriously discussing the possibility of forcing at least some federal employees to pay more towards their retirement pension. AsRead… Read more »

DC Bike to Work Day

Thousands of commuters in the DC area may show up to work just a little sweatier than usual this Friday, May 20th. But that’s a small price to pay for the way they’ll feel once they get there—invigorated, glowing with a sense of accomplishment, and maybe a little more convinced that bicycling is a viableRead… Read more »