Human Resources

A Sampling of Principles for Public Engagement

Here are some sets of principles we collected to help inform the creation of the Core Principles for Public Engagement (2009)… Effective Deliberative Public Engagement: Nine Principles (from the National Consumer Council & Nine Principles: The process makes a difference. The process is transparent. The process has integrity. The process is tailored to theRead… Read more »

I like MyFarm!

Now, when I started writing about micro-participation, I never envisaged the possibility of micro-farming, but there we are! MyFarm is a great initiative from the National Trust, effectively making games like Facebook’s Farmville real. Participants pay £30 a year to be involved, and get to vote on various decisions affecting the farm. It’s a bitRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: We Salute You!!

This week marks the 27th annual Public Service Recognition Week celebration around the country. Budget restrictions are keeping activities on a more subtle scale this year – casualties include the annual street fair on the National Mall in DC. Additionally, the current political atmosphere makes it an interesting time altogether to be a public employee.Read… Read more »

LexisNexis Speaker Series Event – Title 11 and the Great Recession: Recent Trends in Business Reorganization

This free, 1 hour LexisNexis Speaker Series event being co-hosted by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation may be of interest to you if you are in the DC area. Here’s all the information: LexisNexis cordially invites you to attend the 2011 Speaker Series – “Title 11 and the Great Recession: Recent Trends in Business Reorganization“Read… Read more »

Job Search: Stumbling Blocks and Feedback

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist Job search is a difficult process for most of us. Applications disappear into black holes, a great opportunity looms but you cannot get a response, an interview goes well but months later a rejection letter arrives. In recent years these problems and many others have been aggravatedRead… Read more »

Aetna Helps MLK’s Dream Blossom

I don’t know about all of you, but i’m pretty sad that The Cherry Blossom Festival is over here in DC. Every spring the city comes alive at the site of the first blossoms of the District’s historic cherry trees. The National Mall is filled with even more beauty than usual during this 3 weekRead… Read more »

Observing A Sale

I was talking with n00b, who had just entered the sales game. He was telling me his offering. John, who invests in several local companies walked over. Me: Hey John, do you ever need inverted frammis services? John: We are looking to recruit someone for that right now. n00b: (we don’t do recruiting..we provide services)Read… Read more »

Defying Cultural Patterns and Predictions Engaging Stress and Crisis: The Stress Doc’s 3 “R”s for Discovering Your Responsible, Resilient & Risk-Taking Essence

When you get a thank you card at the end of a program signed by participants during the event either it’s a less than captivating workshop or the group was really motivated to give you feedback. Fortunately, it was the latter and the words inscribed were very positive and poignant – people felt “enlightened,” “inspired”Read… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Know what’s Hip? It’s an Internship!

This month, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) released their 2011 Internship & Co-op Survey. And the survey says… There’s going to be a 7% increase in internships for 2011, and this increase is expected in every region and in almost all industry sectors for which they had data. The two exceptions? GovernmentRead… Read more »