Human Resources

Daily Dose: Is there hope for the Federal Hiring & Recruitment Process?

When thinking about the Federal Hiring Process I think what a nightmare! Last year the Obama Administration ordered the federal recruitment and hiring process to be overhauled. In the Washington Post article, Making a few strides on hiring reform, Joe Davidson highlights the massive effort of the pilot online assessment program –Assess Pilot. According toRead… Read more »

Saving the Earth, One “Work-From-Home Day” at a Time

I think it is safe to say that we’re all happy that a federal government shutdown was avoided this month. Yes, some workers were planning great volunteer opportunities that couldn’t take place, but most folks are happy to have received their normal paycheck. Still, the possible shutdown left me wondering – what would traffic haveRead… Read more »

Take Your Employees with You Everywhere!

This is every HR Manager’s dream come true: The iPeople app let’s you take your employees with you wherever you go! Check out the details below: Originally posted by Christiane Stagge of SAP Spectrum. HR Management, Meet iPad iPeople provides human resource managers on the go with a full overview of information on employees, organizationalRead… Read more »

IRS Gets Class Conscious: Switching to Independent Contractors Draws Scrutiny (1099’rs)

by Susan A. Berson Shifting from full-time employees to independent contractors is a recessionary cost-cutting measure some businesses implemented. But for those who have misclassified their workforce, the glare of the IRS spotlight may soon be upon them. Over the next three years, the Internal Revenue Service is auditing 6,000 randomly selected businesses to determineRead… Read more »

Federal HR, hiring managers wanted . . . .

To Federal HR and hiring managers: The Federal Labor Affinity Group ( at the Professional Outplacement Assistance Center ( is looking for speakers in Columbia, MD, on alternate Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. Please let me know who is willing to consider this. Lauren Modine gave a great presentation in February. Thanks!


This apparently ordinary station on the Berlin U-Bahn is remarkable for two reasons, one visible and one not visible at all. The first is fairly apparent. The typeface of the station name and the brown tiles give a clue, though the full splendour of the orange ceiling doesn’t really come across in the picture. ThisRead… Read more »

Leveraging IT to Maximize HR Resources

Human Resource Specialists are not specialists in Information Technology. Yet, today HR has a difficult time recruiting, engaging with employees, providing benefits, conducting training or capturing performance feedback without the intervention of technology. In fact, without technology, I can emphatically say that these functions are impossible. Why? Because heightened expectations for anywhere, anytime access toRead… Read more »