Human Resources

FHWA Social Media Policy Launched

Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration FHWA Social Media Web 2.0 Mgmt Par. What is the purpose of this directive? Is this a new FHWA directive? What is the background of this directive? What is the scope of this directive? What authorities were used in writing this directive? What is the definition of Social Media/WebRead… Read more »

Public Affairs Cuts in the DoD Budget Efficiencies Memo (UPDATED)

The long awaited budget cutting efficiencies promised by Secretary of Defense Gates were outlined in a decision memo signed on Monday, 14 March, 2011 and now making its way around the Pentagon much to the chagrin of many in the building. I did a quick pull of the specific hits in the public affairs andRead… Read more »

Conversations for the 21st Century on April 1

From our friends at The World Cafe: the world cafe””>”World Cafe Online Services partner weDialogue””>WeDialogue is launching a series of free, interactive public conversations called conversations for the 21st century””>Conversations for the 21st Century. These events will be telephone-based and use a World Cafe format. Each will focus on a different topic of significance forRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Tips for playing in the Facebook Sandbox

Sometimes people can be downright mean. In 2011, it’s no longer shocking to visit online forums or websites and see a post from someone that is directed at another user and is not only negative, but aggressively nasty. Unfortunately, that’s the world in which we surf. The IRS Recruitment Office is keenly aware that manyRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part III

In the aftermath of a recent “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC utility, I coined two new concepts – “Gentor” ™ and “Gentoring” ™. (My Webmaster frequently notes how Spell-check is not impressed by my wordsmith proclivities!) And a showcase essay, “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital DivideRead… Read more »