Human Resources

12 Ideas for Surfacing Top Talent With Social Media

This afternoon, I had the pleasure of presenting for the ACT-IAC Human Capital Special Interest Group. My working title was “Surfacing Top Talent with Social Media.” I built on a previous slide deck, adding 6 examples of agencies and people using social media as part of the recruitment and hiring process. I’ll let the slidesRead… Read more »

For HR Executives…what’s your Collaboration Strategy?

I have been talking to a lot of HR people over the last couple of months and, frankly, it has been surprising to see that most don’t realize the opportunities and risks associated with social media and crowdsourcing as it relates to their business vertical. Why is it crucial that Human Resource managers be deeplyRead… Read more »

Government Benefits Worth Your Money

Goal: Make sense of your benefits package and pick the programs right for you. How To Cover Your Benefits Bases: 1. Pick a health/vision/dental insurance plan that suits your working style (i.e. HMO for staying put/PPO for travelling Govvies). 2. Contribute 5% to your retirement account or enough to get the full employer match, whicheverRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part II

Hi, Getting some enthusiastic and thoughtful response to the Gentor ™ and Gentoring ™ concepts: a) the legal magazine, KNOW, wants to publish my first “Gentoring” article (see link below), b) a Colonel at a military war college wants to brainstorm program ideas re: my “Bridging the Generational Divide” programs, c) another Colonel and colleagueRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: From the front lines to the front page — using employees in marketing

When you’re in the market for a new ride, you ask a car nut for advice. When you’re looking for a good cookie recipe, you go to grandma. When you want to learn more about a career with a certain company, you ask someone who works there. This “ask-the-expert” approach has worked well for theRead… Read more »

Research positions open at Kettering

Amelia Law asked me to share this important announcement with NCDDers. If you have questions, you can contact her at 800-221-3657 or [email protected]. The Charles F. Kettering Foundation offers one-year research positions at their Dayton, Ohio offices to doctoral candidates and recent Ph.D.’s. Research Assistants and Associates receive excellent full-time compensation and benefits including medicalRead… Read more »

PMF and Pathways Programs: Reinventing the Old and Implementing the New- LIVE NOTES!

Sitting here at NAPA headquarters in the same room as OPM Director John Berry and many other influential people in government as well as education. Stay tuned for notes in an ongoing basis: Panel Discussion 1- Holding the Pathways Programs Accountable for the Future Leadership and Human Capital Needs of the Federal Gov “Pathways toRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Twitter Hashtags – the Good, the Bad & the Useless

Anyone on Twitter knows the game: you update your status with no more than 140 characters, including spaces and hashtags. According to Twitter data, there are around 750 tweets posted every second – that’s almost 65 million tweets per day. Getting your tweet in front of the right audience can be a bit of aRead… Read more »

Online, Interactive Digital Engagement Governance – a.k.a. Approaching Social Media Governance as a Method

This will be the first in an ongoing set of entries about Interactive Digital Engagement Governance. Contact me or Navigation Arts in McLean, VA for more information, or for ideas regarding planning and implementing such a methodology at your organization. The concept of governance isn’t new at all to organizations building websites, whether inside (asRead… Read more »