Human Resources

Republican Governors call for changes to health care reform

21 Republican governors have sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking for changes to the rules for new state-run health care exchanges outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The letter asks Secretary Sebelius to make six changes to the rules or risk the federal government taking fullRead… Read more »

Azure Open Government

In this blog David Chou provides an excellent synopsis of the core mechanics and fundamental value of Cloud computing. He focuses on Microsoft Azure naturally, and so does this other recent white paper. Business elasticity – As a service In a nutshell these articles describe that the primary business benefits of Cloud computing is thatRead… Read more »

What Would We Do Without Interns?

I don’t know about you, but GovLoop really appreciates our interns. We try to give them meaningful (vs. menial) projects that enable them to learn something, expand their networks and advance their careers while they’re with us. We even call them Fellows vs. interns as it seems more distinguished…like the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.Read… Read more »

Everyone Deserves to Have Their Needs Met

Everyday I see it with my clients, colleagues, friends and in myself—there is “something” in our lives that we want, that we are not getting and it doesn’t feel good. It always has to do with a relationship, it may be a boss that doesn’t pay us what we feel we deserve, it may beRead… Read more »

Change Happens—How Do You Manage It?

Change Management is a planned approach to transitioning the people of an organization through a business transformation. A unique problem with the implementation of a new system, program or strategy, is the natural resistance of certain individuals to change of any kind. Frequently, this resistance results from personnel not understanding the issues involved. It isRead… Read more »

Mentoring Learning Community Focus Group

Mentoring Learning Community Focus Group Strategic Partners would like to invite you to participate in a new Focus Group for the purpose of structuring the 2011-2012 Mentoring Learning Community which discusses best practices related to invigorating, designing, and managing successful mentoring programs. Invitation to 2011 Mentoring Learning Community Focus Group As you know, Strategic PartnersRead… Read more »