Human Resources

Do transparency, participation, and collaboration build on one another in implementing opengov?

(This is a cross-post from our blog at the Collaboration Project) IBM’s Center for the Business of Government recently released a report entitled “An Open Government Implementation Model: Moving to Increased Public Engagement.” The report presents the results of a review of several open government initiatives at the federal level and puts forward a four-stageRead… Read more »

Free webinar on how technology can support public sector collaboration

I’m hosting free webinar, thanks to Learning Pool, that will take you through the benefits that technology can bring to collaboration within public services. Covering the main tools and the strategies to implement them, attendees will be able to identify the right solutions to enable them to manage change, talent, knowledge and learning within theirRead… Read more »

What federal government leaders can learn from the Best Companies for Leadership

If you were like me, on January 25 you sat glued to your television for over an hour watching President Barack Obama deliver his second state of the union (SOTU) address. What is abundantly clear after hearing his address is that it will take more than ideological compromises in Congress to win the future forRead… Read more »

Broadband for a Broad Land Draft Submission to the Australian Parliament

The Australian Parliament has invited submissions for an Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network by 5 February 2011. Here is the second draft of a submission for the enquiry. In the previous draft I addressed two issues: the environmental costs and benefits of the NBN and the role of electronicRead… Read more »

Broadband for a Broad Land Draft Submission to the Australian Parliament

The Australian Parliament has invited submissions for an Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network by 5 February 2011. Here is the second draft of a submission for the enquiry. In the previous draft I addressed two issues: the environmental costs and benefits of the NBN and the role of electronicRead… Read more »

Bad Media or Bad Government: What is the Problem with Recruiting and Retaining?

Federal News Radio 1500 AM recently posted an interview with Young Government Leader’s Vice President, Dave Uejio. Dave candidly discussed the challenges of recruiting and retaining the next generation of government employees. I was shocked to see some of the follow-up comments posted on the website. From personal experience, I know that seeking a positionRead… Read more »

States set to receive more money for health IT

In an announcement made last week, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology will provide $32 million in funding to accelerate health IT through Regional Extension Centers (RECs). ONC head Dr. David Blumenthal also announced additional money for health information exchanges and community college HIT programs. In a message posted on Dr.Read… Read more »

“Transfer” -vs- “Reassignment”

Do you know the difference between a Transfer and a Reassignment in the Federal Government? There are important distinctions between the two and every Federal employee should understand the differences in these two actions before seeking one or the other. Select this link to Learn about Reassignments Select this link to Learn About Transfers.

Group Decision Tip: Self-Evident

In principle, the best decisions are made when the answer is self-evident to everyone. When a group of reasonable people have a shared goal and they freely share information about the current situation and options for achieving that goal, they are very likely to come to a shared conclusion about what to do. When theRead… Read more »

GovDelivery clients share best practices, success stories at Minnesota user event

By Stephanie Elsner, Events Coordinator It was great to see so many familiar faces during GovDelivery’s Minnesota user event on Wednesday, Jan. 26. The 66 clients in attendance at the Bloomington Holiday Inn not only heard about the latest and greatest product developments, but were treated to a presentation by Stearns County, Minnesota. Officials fromRead… Read more »