Human Resources

Hold Up, Wait A Minute, There Might STILL BE A RAISE IN IT!

That may be our good friend George W. in the picture, but according to Emily Long of Government Executive, there might still be a raise in it! The pay freeze won’t halt all raises! This is good news for military, U.S. Postal Service workers, and Postal Regulatory Commission employees. Long also states that the fridgedRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: USAID Student Intern Programs – 4 January 2011

USAID (United States Agency for International Development) Most of us on GovLoop are a) employed and b) educated, but we all have children or know children who can benefit from the USAID’s Intern Program. Applications for “paid” programs preclude a security clearance – check with the USAID to determine if the window of opportunity isRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Federal Coaching Lessons: A Q&A with Felícita Solá-Carter

Felícita Solá-Carter is the president of Conexiones, a nonprofit that advocates for the educational needs of Hispanic students, and a Center for Government Leadership development coach. Previously, Solá-Carter served as assistant deputy commissioner for human resources and deputy chief human capital officer at the Social Security Administration (SSA). Solá-Carter was the first Puerto Rican womanRead… Read more »

Five New Year’s resolutions for job seekers

Since many of us take this time to reflect on the year past and the year ahead of us, let’s do so in the context of your job search. We’re not going to guilt you into making promises you can’t keep, so let’s keep our list of resolutions to five manageable items that will helpRead… Read more »

The Reorg Rag (with apologies to no one)

It can’t happen here, I have too much to do…Who took my desk and chair, my computer, too?They can’t replace me — the Branch Techno-fileWhat do you mean I’m still in denial? Reorg Rag, Reorg Rag,Why does it feel I’ve been fragged?Reorg Rag, Reorg Rag,Maybe I’m just on a jag.Reorg Rag, Reorg Rag,I’m still onRead… Read more »

Operations Managers – what is your opinion of Human Resources within your Gov. Contracting firm?

I have a question I’d like to ask: As a Operations Manager in a Government Contracting firm, what – in your viewpoint – is missing from Human Resources? What elements of Human Resources does a HR Practitioner needs to know about ‘the rest of the company’ and the departments or elements within a government contractingRead… Read more »

5 Best of All Things Sterling 2010

2010 is almost over, so cheers to a year in review. It’s interesting to see some stories turn up on this list. I didn’t expect “Acquisitions Affect Average Americans” to show. I wrote it while I was in an airport, but it has a personal touch that streches decades. “Mock Negotiations” also turned out toRead… Read more »

Jones on A User Registration System for

Gregory D. Jones has published a comment entitled Electronic Rulemaking in the New Age of Openness: Proposing a Voluntary Two-Tier Registration System for, Administrative Law Review, v. 62, no. 4 (2010), pp. 1261-1286. Here is a summary: This Comment argues that a voluntary two-tiered registration system that acknowledges the role of interest groups inRead… Read more »