Human Resources

Newton Software grows over 1000% in 2010, Moves Applicant Tracking Software to the Cloud

Newton, our popular applicant tracking software, joins leaders like Microsoft, IBM and Netflix in Amazon’s EC2 cloud computing environment. 2010 has been a banner year for Newton. We’ve added over 120 new customers and our revenue has grown by over 1000%. We’ve anticipated moving Newton, our popular applicant tracking software, to the cloud for aRead… Read more »

Innovation Leaders: What Makes Manor Tick?

With a population of less than 5,000 and a median household income of around $50,000, Manor, Texas, is an unlikely place to find the cutting edge of government e-participation technologies. But thanks to a young and enterprising Assistant City Manager (Dustin Haisler, now of Spigit), Manor has attracted significant investment from a variety of firmsRead… Read more »

The Stress Doc’s “Top Ten Commandments” for Transforming Reorganizational Crisis: Generating the Four “R”s – Relief and Reflection, Rejuvenation and Recommitment – Part III

Part I introduced three necessary transition stress interventions for engaging an audience on “The Reorg Rag” ™, that is going through transitional crisis: 1) “Bring Your Inner Clint Eastwood” – demonstrate a readiness to empathically and assertively handle audience anger or angst, 2) “Warm Up and Cool Down the Audience” – through healing humor andRead… Read more »

The “New Media Director” Position is Just a Means to an End

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In 2010, the position of “New Media Director” within the government has become almost commonplace. From governors to senators to Departments and Agencies, now you can attend a GovUp and leave with more than a dozen business cards, all containing the title of NewRead… Read more »

Military transitions: Use your education effectively

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Strategist. I went to my first tech school barely a month after arriving at my first base. You certainly have had some training too. So what do you do with all that when you are thinking about your transition? First, as you have looked at what you wantRead… Read more »

The Final Hoop – Database, database, database

I never thought the dissertation would take as long as it is. I’m a writer by trade – a former journalist and editor – so for most of my career as a Ph.D. student, I’ve been looking forward to my dissertation. But, unfortunately, writing is not what I’ve done so far. I’ve spent hours, days,Read… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: Procurement Is NOT Monkeys Punching Out Purchase Orders

GovLoop is excited to bring you a new series we’re calling “Ask the GovExpert.” We’d like to bring new voices to the community, introducing you to people who are at the top of their fields. We kick off our inaugural interview with Shannon Wampler, a Senior Supply Diversity Coordinator at the University of Virginia. InRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #10: If you don’t systematically plan, life is a series of random events

There is a great old George Harrison song, which is titled “If you don’t know where you are going, anyroad will get you there.” Presumably, there is a corollary “if you know where you are going make sureyou pick a road that gets you there”. Moving forward without any direction appears to be the preferredmethodRead… Read more »