Human Resources

HR=Humans Represent: Biting…The Next Big Nuisance In The Office?

Quite possibly, if left unchecked this may become the focal point of workplace complaints, grievances and charges! I’m talking about Bedbugs. Employers and their HR teams now have to worry about their responsibilities to maintain a bedbug-free workplace. While there are no regulatory provisions to provide a bedbug-free workplace, Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s statutoryRead… Read more »

Scoop Up Talent Like the Fed Does

Last week, AfterCollege was asked to contribute and speak at the National Image Regional training seminar in Denver, Colorado. Roberto Angulo, CEO, joined Chad Boonsupa, Mgr. Government Programs, on an 11-speaker panel sharing their proven strategies to attract and recruit college grads. President Obama has tasked the Office of Personnel Management with simplifying the processRead… Read more »

Overcoming rejection in the job search

The Two Poisons That Destroy Your Job Search ChancesThere are two kinds of poison that can destroy someone’s job search,both stemming from your reaction to rejection.As most people know, the job search is filled with rejection. (InRichard Nelson Bolles’s classic book, What Color is Your Parachute,it’s described as “no no no no no no noRead… Read more »

…But Do You Respect Your HR Team?

Once viewed as a necessary evil to the organization, today’s effective HR Teams are no longer an organizational obstacle. Do you believe that? Before you answer, check out what employees have said at Google, SAS Southwest Airlines and, yes, even the govies at the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. Today’s global network demands that successful Human ResourcesRead… Read more »

Community Building: Why the Why is Vital

Yesterday, I stumbled across @nickcharney‘s post Lessons in Collaboration on GovLoop. He brings to life a construct developed by Simon Sinek on the topic of how great leaders inspire action. How do great leaders inspire action? It all starts with the why, as in Sinek’s “golden circle” above. The average person, as Nick points out,Read… Read more »

Does Social Media Really Matter to HR?

This morning, HCI Blogger Hillary Roberts asked, “Has the endless debate between risk mitigators and cheerleaders left HR confused about how social media should be used by your organization?” After surveying over 800 HR specialists, the Human Capital Institute wondered what social media sites were favored by HR professionals and how were they used toRead… Read more »

Return on Relationships

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATIONIt is a common trap on many IT projects that team members are so focused on ensuring project “success” (typically defined as on-time and on-budget delivery) that team members forget the critical importance of developing and maintaining effective relationships. Ironically, forgoing the relationship building elementsRead… Read more »

Gimme the $$$ Part 2 – Salary Negotiations

A post from Patra Frame, HR Strategist for ClearedJobs.Net Everyone hopes for the perfect offer – the great job in a wonderful company with super pay and benefits. But often we don’t get there without some negotiating. And since it is something most of us do rarely, we are not sure how to go aboutRead… Read more »

Automated Hiring: GIGO or Goodness?

Distracted from my workload for a moment by this item in GovExec about the effectiveness of automated hiring systems. You can’t function in Workplace 2.0 without the automated hiring tools like Monster. Without careful screening of self-assessments against applicant credentials, however, all you get is more slop served faster. If you want to get theRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Free Me From This Prison

I’m always interested in hearing recruitment statistics, and after reading a Pew Center On The States Press Release, I thought this blog would be a great follow up to my Sep 13th posting – Get out of Jail Green Ticket. Here’s the impact of incarceration for job seekers, their families, and for the government: ·Read… Read more »