Human Resources

Survivor Annuity, Retire Happy, Save a Life – Maybe Your Own, & UPDATES

A soon to be retired fed contacted me last month about an estimate they received from their HR department with a grossly incorrect survivor benefit cost estimate. The employee was advised that a full survivor benefit for their spouse would reduce their monthly benefit by one third! Incorrect high estimates like this can put theRead… Read more »

Creative IT Hiring Strategies: Recruiting and retaining Net Gen workers in the public sector

Recently GovLoop community manager Andy K. and I wrote an article for Smart Enterprise Exchange (an online community with more than 2,000 global IT executive members- prodcued by TechWeb and CA Technologies ) entitled Creative IT Hiring Strategies: Recruiting and retaining Net Gen workers in the public sector The full article is here (need toRead… Read more »

Gardening at Work?

I know a lot of companies are looking for interesting way to improve employee morale and health but I would not have thought as gardening as way to do that. After reading this article creating a company garden has a lot of benefits in improving the quality of life in the workplace. Here’s the article,Read… Read more »