Human Resources

Of Trees and Teleworking

In the past couple of weeks, the DC metro area was wracked by massive storms that compounded commuting woes (and split an apartment building in half). My commuting time more than doubled. Much–maligned power company Pepco featured two Flickr feeds documenting the storm damage and indirectly making a strong case for teleworking. In the daysRead… Read more »

Evaluation Factors for Sole-Source Negotiations – Any Purpose?

Ok, so those familiar with the Uniform Contract Format (UCF) know Section M is used for listing evaluation factors. I’ve only heard Section M being used for competitive proposals. However, my agency does a lot of sole sourcing. (There aren’t too many people competing to build subs). Here’s my question: Are there any advantages toRead… Read more »

It’s Time for Change: What Does It Take?

As a senior executive, sometimes it’s easier <and more appropriate> to delegate challenging and complex assignments to middle managers. Doing them yourself means having to set aside your long term projects to focus immediately and directly on the problems at hand, fabricating solutions on your own, making decisions on your own, and dealing with situationsRead… Read more »

What is the Federal Resume Toolbox?

The Federal Resume Toolboxä is not a book per se, but rather a collection of brief, concise articles that contain the essential information you need to rebuild your resume so that it grabs the attention of the HR Specialist and tells that person that you are most definitely qualified for the position. Make no mistakeRead… Read more »

Inflated Federal Pay: Study Finds that Feds Earn 30 to 40 % More than Private-Sector Workers

…According to newly released Heritage Report.pdf Another article on the subject: Federal Employees Earn 30 to 40 Percent More than Private-Sector Workers, Study FindsTuesday, August 10, 2010By Matt Cover, Staff Writer Job seekers wait to register for a national career fair in San Francisco on June 28, 2010. Initial claims for unemployment benefits rose forRead… Read more »

Fed Up With The Federal Government Hiring Process?

If you are like most other people that has applied for federal employment, you submitted your resume package for several government positions and may have got word back that you did not qualify – or in most cases, you did not hear anything. Unlike the private sector in which the purpose of a resume isRead… Read more »

The Social Ecosystem: The biggest barrier to success? Education

The biggest barrier to organizations being successful within The Social Ecosystem is simply the need for education. The lack of awareness, the lack of knowledge, is holding back many organizations. In chatting with organizations across the public and private sector I am constantly encountering confusion. People know the problems they are encountering. These are real,Read… Read more »