Human Resources

Blog Series: So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them! Phase 3 – Target.

Blog Series: So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them! Phase 3 – Target A Tolero Solutions blog series on how to utilize Gen Y using the Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™ by Scott Span! In a previous post So You Hired a Gen Y – Now GetRead… Read more »

Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results

Open Dialogue on Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results Warren Master and Russ Linden Warren: In my recent review of Russ Linden’s new book – Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in a Networked World ( – I encourage public management practitioners to avail themselves of the many case illustrations and user-friendly tools the authorRead… Read more »

Employing America’s Heroes

Emily King gave me an embarrassed grin as she struggled not to cry. “I always choke up when I tell this story”, she said sheepishly. I smiled broadly and encouraged her to go on. She did, and thus began the first of many lessons she’d share with me that afternoon. In her own words: “AfterRead… Read more »

Next Generation of Government Post Event PodCasts

Thanks to our friends at Human Resources IQ we have several post event podcasts from our awesome speakers at this year next Generation of Government Summit. Hear what the speakers though about the conference and also elaborate on their talks. – Nick Charney – Tom Fox – Misti Burmeister – DaveRead… Read more »

Employee Wellness Programs

Our Human Resources Department staff have initiated a Workplace Wellness program for County employees. Their first step was to survey employees to identify risk status, demographics, workplace culture, and how staff would best like to receive information about the various programs and challenges the Wellness Committee would deliver. Now that they have decided on theRead… Read more »

KSAs: a Realistic Response to a Ridiculous Question

Anyone who’s had to respond to KSAs (that’s “Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities” to those of you fortunate enough to have avoided them) knows how ridiculous they can be. And if you are in the Forest Service, you’ve seen an increase in this ridiculousness in our post-ASC world. (ASC is the FS’s consolidated HR office. AllRead… Read more »


Experts in HR technology and senior federal HR executives are invited to submit proposals for presentation at our first Annual Federal HR Technology Conference, April 4-6, 2011 in Washington DC. Go to for the proposal form and instructions.