Human Resources

Pay Retention under NSPS

So I probably shouldn’t be posting this as I’m in HR but hey, I think that’s what being a leader is all about. Acknowledging when things are wrong. If you’re under NSPS or have been following all the articles and issues on the Hill, you’ll know that NSPS is done as of FY11 and manyRead… Read more »

Blog Series: So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them!

A Tolero Solutions blog series on how to utilize Gen Y using the Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™ by Scott Span! Phase 1 – Communicate In a previous post So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them Through My Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™! I provided aRead… Read more »

Blowing Off Some Steam

Need to blow off some steam. This extreme people person is now in an office that is completely empty. My one and only employee is out and has been out of the office for two days this week, my military counterparts are out, and it’s me-alone. Or am I really alone? I have a pileRead… Read more »

They’re Tossing Out the Baby!

Employers use many methods to evaluate job applicants against job requirements! It’s not unusual for prospective employers to ask job applicants to give examples of work experiences that demonstrate their knowledge, skills & abilities for a new job! And, for the most part, all of them know it’s important to tie their questions to theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Organizational Culture

Two interesting articles about organizational culture in the latest issue of the “Journal of Organizational Change Management.” The first article is a cultural analysis of organizational memory and its role in organizational change while the second article describes how organizational memory can hinder learning a new technology. In the first article, McCabe gives a moreRead… Read more »

The Supreme Court’s “Inconsistent” History on Affirmative Action

I recently heard an assertion that the United States’ Supreme Court has acted “inconsistently” in regards to its affirmative action decisions, and decided that it was a strong enough claim that I ought to have an opinion myself. I know—what kind of crazy person would find this type of discussion interesting? Well, for better orRead… Read more »

Resumes Are Like Bikinis

Truth be told … it’s a crap-shoot finding recruiters & staffing specialists at the top of their game! And, since there are no real rules for writing résumés, the odds of getting one’s résumé beyond that cursory first read are stacked against us! Staffing specialists and professional recruiters have their own personal rules about whatRead… Read more »

Government-to-Citizen Communications: Utilising multiple digital and social media channels effectively

Liz effectively articulates how local government can use integrated, multi-channel communications to increase access to information and services, improve opportunities for engagement, and offer members of the community a choice in how they get their information. Stephen Cross from Hillingdon Council If you wish to follow more of Liz’s tips and research in the future,Read… Read more »