Human Resources

Top 5 – How to Be a Horrible Boss

Everyone has had a bad boss. And perhaps you can be one too – if you play your cards right. Here’s my Top 5 ways to be a horrible boss: 1. Belittle people – Call them names, yell at them, look down on your staff. After all, they are beneath you. 2. Tell nobody nothingRead… Read more »

Online Video Asset Management Whitepaper

“Don’t Let Video Assets Become a Liability” Your web audience prefers video as an information resource. Your public affairs and training departments want to post more and more videos, while making sure that viewers can easily navigate to their subject matter preference. You need to manage a seemingly unmanageable library of video assets that isRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama extends more benefits to gay federal workers

President Obama extended on Wednesday a wider range of benefits to the same-sex partners of eligible federal workers, including access to medical treatment, relocation assistance, credit unions and fitness centers. The move goes beyond a memo Obama signed last June, which permitted same-sex partners to use the government’s long-term-care insurance and other fringe benefits. ItRead… Read more »

(WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees commended Representative Tom Perriello (D-VA) for his amendment to the FY11 National Defense Authorization Act which would exclude health care and retirement costs from any insourcing cost comparisons when contractors contribute less toward health care and retirement benefits for contractor employees than Congress requires the Department ofRead… Read more »

Watch out…Here Comes the Next Generation of Government

Here Comes the Next Generation of Government…(Learn more 7/6-7/7) The next generation of government is coming. And it’s coming fast. I’ve been following these changes since I came to work to the federal government in 2004 fresh out of University of Pennsylvania on a Department of Homeland Security fellowship. As the son of a careerRead… Read more »

You Can’t Ban Social Media!

While reading some of my latest Google Alert’s I cam across a blog post by David Etue of The article titled “Mitigation, not prohibition, is best response to social media’s security risks” provides an excellent argument why organizations such as law enforcement agencies need to get into the conversation. Etue does a great jobRead… Read more »

Federal Hiring Reforms – A Step towards Efficient Government

President Obama have released the hiring reform memorandum (new executive order) in order to improve the Federal recruitment and hiring process. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) also recently hosted a Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Summit to discuss the executive order which allows for changes in the hiring system by reducing the gap betweenRead… Read more »

How IBM does the Results Oriented Work Environment (ROWE)

There is an experiment at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to change how government works. The idea is to stop measuring how much time an employee spends at the office but rather to measure how productive the employee is. The employee sets their own working hours and negotiates with their supervisor on what theyRead… Read more »

Mr. President: Tear Down Those Walls!

Whenever I get a chance for some free time on trips to Washington, DC, I walk or run along the National Mall. Our nation’s capitol is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially in and around the monuments and memorials. But then I walk a block off the Mall and seeRead… Read more »