Human Resources

Senate vote on same-sex benefits for gay partners of federal workers ‘within weeks’

The Senate could vote on a bill extending fringe benefits to the same-sex partners of gay federal employees “within weeks” and well before July 4, according to aides to Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.). The Nutmeg State senator is lead sponsor of the measure, which would cost an estimated $310 million through 2020, according toRead… Read more »

The New Norm: Work is Not Where You Go, It’s What You Do

Originally published under the title “Workplace Flexibility as the New Normal” as part of “The FCW Challenge” by Anne Weissberg, William D Eggers, May 14, 2010 As William Gibson wrote in Neuromancer, “the future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.” If you think that the federal government will never go to aRead… Read more »

A Billion Brains are Better Than One

Article from following link T-DRIVEN INNOVATION A Billion Brains are Better Than One Interview with Thomas W. Malone March 18, 2010 MIT Sloan’s Thomas W. Malone, author of The Future of Work, on how the smartest companies will use emerging technology to tap the power of collective intelligence PDF BUY ARTICLE & PERMISSIONS “MostRead… Read more »

What’s the Next Generation of Government?

We are super excited at GovLoop to partner with Young Government Leaders on the Next Generation of Government Summit. Ever since I joined government in 2004, I’ve been passionate about creating the future of government service – from creating and connecting future leaders to reimagining how to deliver services. This is the first-ever conference forRead… Read more »

Why Telework Can’t Work for the Federal Government

The notion of “telework” isn’t new; it’s commonly used in the private sector for positions that involve analytical thought, professional work products, counseling, training, and the like. So why is OPM pushing it without Congressional mandate? (See FedSmith’s article titled “Telework in the Federal Government”). Unlike the profit-motivators and cost-cutting measures that stimulate this typeRead… Read more »

Top Five Things to Consider Before Leaving Your Current Job and Starting a New One

So my boss is transferring to another agency in less than three weeks and its up to me to make this transition smooth. Because let’s face it, he’s got one foot out the door and we’re an office of just three people (including my soon-to-be-gone boss). We’re responsible for 300+ civilians and all of theirRead… Read more »

Why Government Has a Hard-Time Recruiting at Harvard

Great article on why Harvard kids go to work to Wall Street and not public service jobs. Short story..not money or work. It’s – the process is straight-forward and easy. Here’s a quote “it is simply easier to get a corporate firm job than any other job. By contrast, it’s hard to get aRead… Read more »

Gridlock Drives Gridlock

It’s true that the D.C. area is home to one of the worst commutes in the nation. Think you can breeze through 66, 270, or the Beltway in rush hour? Good luck to you. They say it’s going to rain. Better luck next time. I’ll bet on something that has better odds, like the lottery.Read… Read more »