Human Resources

Extreme Job Search Makeover

Have you ever wondered what is going on with your Job Search and if you are doing everything you possibly need to do to get your next job? Well here is an opportunity to get a jump start to your job search. Our first ever Extreme Job Search Makeover will be a contest for twoRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Whistleblowing concerns at TSA

Happy Thursday! A leading Republican lawmaker is raising concerns that potential whistleblowers at the Transportation Security Administration aren’t getting the help they need, after his office tried several times to reach agency officials that are supposed to deal with such issues. Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) reached out to TSA officials on Thursday, saying he’sRead… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on leading-edge knowledge that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. OpenGovernment Reports from the UK and Australia (12//2009): See how Australia and the U.K. have developed plans similar to the U.S. Australia encourages “info-philanthropy” (such as a tax deduction for sharing data) and having employees engage online and experiment with new ideas. The U.K. is opening up data, integrating cross-jurisdictional information, emphasizingRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Deadwood – The Myth of Poor Performers

In today’s column I look at the myths associated with removing poor performers in government and what practical steps managers can take. Even if you’re not a fan, you’re probably familiar with the Discovery Channel’s MythBusters, a series that uses science and special-effects to separate fact from fiction. The government needs its own version ofRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Young Acquisition Professionals New Mentoring Program

We all have one or more people we can point to over our lives who have made an impression on us or provided help, guidance or support in some way. How would things be different for you if you didn’t have this support or the opportunities that resulted? I for one am grateful for theRead… Read more »

Government: Recruit the Internet-Savvy (Dave Briggs)

Originally published by Dave Briggs at DavePress The Telegraph has an interesting article today: MI5 dumps spies who can’t use Facebook and TwitterPatrick Mercer, chairman of the Parliamentary subcommittee on counter-terrorism, told the Daily Mail: “As terrorism changes, counter-terrorism officers have to adapt to keep up. “Our enemies use every available method to attack includingRead… Read more »

“Letting Go” and Transforming Your Intimate FOE — Fear of Exposure: Part II

Part I of this two-part essay focused on my format for illustrating the concept of “Letting Go” during a 20-minute after dinner keynote for the career transition/support group, Forty Plus. [Email [email protected] for this essay.] I reviewed both the dynamics and dangers of not being able to “let go”: “if you have invested so muchRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Congress repays furloughed DOT workers

Some Transportation Department workers got an even sweeter pay day today. Last night’s vote to extend jobless benefits until June also provided compensation for the almost 2,000 Transportation Department workers furloughed last month amid disagreements about how to pay for the bill. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood applauded the move on his blog this morning. “ItRead… Read more »

Announcing Manor.GovFresh

Coming August 2010: Manor will be host to Manor.GovFresh, a conference designed to help spark local government innovations. “Manor wants to help re-define what it means to have a conference. Conferences are traditionally centered around knowledge transfer, and we want to transfer immediate, tangible value to other communities like ours. We want to show otherRead… Read more »