Human Resources

A Guide to Choosing Applicant Tracking Software to Ensure EEO / OFCCP Compliance and Some Secrets too

EEO and OFCCP regulations are confusing enough. Choosing applicant tracking software to automate your recruiting program and ensure EEO and OFCCP compliance can be a daunting process. This is a guide designed to help you ask the right questions when choosing applicant tracking software. And, remember take the time to see the features in action,Read… Read more »

Washington DC is opening up its budgets, will you?

Sonny Hashmi, Deputy Chief Information Officer, OCFO at DC Government, sent me a note highlighting the new CFOInfo DC Dashboard, which is in Beta. This dashboard is exposing details of the District of Columbia’s budget to a degree I have never seen before, and making it easy for your average user to dig in andRead… Read more »

I can be led, so lead me.

I’ve lost count of the number of times over the last decade that I’ve watched presentations that make reference to the generational differences in workplace motivation between the Baby Boomers and the younger generations of X (~1961 to ~1981) and Y (~1982 to ~1999). For the most part, they all tend to focus on theRead… Read more »


(Washington) Gabrielle Martin, president of the National Council of EEOC Locals, No. 216, AFGE/AFL-CIO, will testify on April 14, 2010, in Room H-309 of the U.S. Capitol, before the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittees of the House Committee on Appropriations. At this open witness hearing, Martin will express support for increasing funding forRead… Read more »

(Washington) Gabrielle Martin, president of the National Council of EEOC Locals, No. 216, AFGE/AFL-CIO, will testify on April 14, 2010, in Room H-309 of the U.S. Capitol, before the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittees of the House Committee on Appropriations. At this open witness hearing, Martin will express support for increasing funding forRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: House establishes diversity task force

Happy Wednesday! Following a recent study that found a serious lack of minorities on Capitol Hill, House Democratic and Republican leaders plan to tackle rank and file concerns with a series of moves. On Tuesday leaders established a diversity task force that will sponsor training courses, build a resume bank of potential job candidates andRead… Read more »

KSAs Going Bye-Bye?

Cool post by folks over at FedTimes; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.6em; font-style: italic; color: rgb(80, 80, 80); background-position: 10px 10px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; “> As God is my witness, KSAs as an initial screening tool will fall. – Office of Personnel Management Director JohnRead… Read more »

The Generational Divide in State Legislatures

Last Friday, I served on a panel at the National Conference of State Legislatures under the session title “Generational Divide.” Natalie O’Donnell Wood, Senior Policy Specialist for NCSL, kicked us off with a great presentation on her research regarding the experience of Boomers and Millennials in the environment of state legislatures: Then I shared someRead… Read more »