Human Resources

Listen to the Federal News Radio Book Club re DRIVE

If you happened to miss the Federal News Radio Book Club “meeting” about Daniel Pink’s thoughtful book, DRIVE: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us… You can listen online… A special thanks our discussion group… author Daniel Pink… Tim McManus from the Partnership for Public Service… Mr. Govloop himself Steve Ressler… and my co-anchor, AmyRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – March 27th Week

Great Privacy News Highlights 22–31 March 2010 Contents: US – New U.S. Biometrics Agency Created to Manage Dod-Wide Responsibilities. 3 US – New Hampshire Lawmakers Reject Biometric ID Restrictions. 3 CA – Alberta Ponders Provincial Biometric ID Cards for Homeless. 3 CA – New BC Gov’t Powers Raise Privacy Concerns. 4 CA – B.C. DatabaseRead… Read more »

Thank You to New Community Leaders!

I don’t normally give personal shout-outs, but I wanted to extend a special thanks to a bunch of brand new GovLoop Community Leaders. They responded to a GovLoop Special Edition email where we made an appeal for GovLoopers to “Be a Leader.” And they’re already making their unique mark on GovLoop. This is kind ofRead… Read more »

Member of the Week – Savi Swick

I had the opportunity to speak with Savi Swick who works for the Health and Human Services Agency for the County of San Diego. She is deeply engaged in many county initiatives to better serve the community. I appreciate the time she took to discuss her role and ambitions. Thank you Savi! 1. What isRead… Read more »

An Alternative to ‘Work-Life Balance’

Originally posted on Let me start by stating I HATE the phrase ‘Work-Life Balance’!!! NOTE: My apologies, in advance, to my mother, for she never liked us using the word “HATE”, but let’s just say “strongly dislike” doesn’t emphasize the point well enough in this case. ‘Work-Life Balance’ or some VERY similar phrase, getsRead… Read more »

How Public Safety Agencies Can Use Social Media to Engage Their Employees

The Los Angeles Fire Department is a pioneer among public safety agencies and emergency responders in the usage of social media. The Department’s initial social media efforts began in 2005 and have since garnered recognition nationwide. LAFD’s presence is spread across multiple social media channels including Twitter, Facebook (look up the group “Los Angeles FD),Read… Read more »

Demystifying Virtualization: Dramatically Reduce IT Energy Consumption, and Improve the Business of Government

Did you know that the average desktop computer uses almost as much power when idle as when it’s active? And the problem isn’t just restricted to the desktop. There are literally thousands of data centers across the globe stacked to capacity with inefficient, underutilized computer servers. In 2006, in the United States alone, datacenters consumedRead… Read more »

On My Transformation from Social Worker to Public Servant

I read somewhere that the (median) average age of entry into the Canadian federal public service is 34 years old. That fits me reasonably well; this is my second career. For my first 10 years of “professional” employment I was a social worker, and my speciality was child and adolescent mental health. It was theRead… Read more »

My Mother Always Told Me to Be Well Rounded: Do Employers Think the Same?

Growing up my mother made sure that I was exposed to culture, art, music, and science. I was almost as diversified as you could possibly get for being a “small-town” kid. When the time came for me to head off to college and pick a major, I followed these same adolescent teachings. Not wanting toRead… Read more »