Human Resources

Government Hiring and Recruiting: What will 2010 bring?

Originally posted by Monster Government Solutions on Unleash the Monster The start of the New Year has our team contemplating what 2010 will bring to HR departments across the government. Here are a couple of areas where we are sure to see a focus on in the coming year: o The hiring process. For aRead… Read more »

Paradoxical Nicknames, Resilient Robots and Avatar Spinoffs: One Man’s Restless Journey into Creative and Cohesive Space-Time

Recently, an Internet colleague asked me to share how my mind works when it’s in creative gear. The question has motivated this essay: an examination of how a second colleague’s brainstorming request initially stirred those creative juices and, then, how a sci-fi cinema classic and a current mega-movie really got the electricity flowing…or jolted meRead… Read more »

LFCC Chair, Linda Washington was featured on Federal News Radio this morning

Linda Washington, LFCC Chairperson, was interviewed on The Federal Drive with anchors Tom Temin and Jane Norris. The Federal Drive is the morning drive show on Federal News Radio heard throughout the entire Washington Metro region at 1500 AM and in Frederick at 820 AM. Federal News Radio covers both the Federal Government and thoseRead… Read more »

Veteran Benefits 2010

I just found out from a VA rep there is NO INCREASE in VA disability/compensation for this year. How does this happen? Prices going up on everything, we are asked to do more with less, and then the government, we support, FAILS to support the Vets. How can we help stimulate the economy without theRead… Read more »

Is Cooperation Possible? Funding 2.0: A Model for Multi-Agency Funding for Gov 2.0 Initiatives

Certainly, I am not fantasizing magic filled utopia where happiness radiates all around and unicorns slide down rainbows into pools of blueberry jam, but let’s be realistic about the situation here. We are living in a time of shrinking budgets and disappearing funds with no relief in sight. The key is doing more with less,Read… Read more »

Moving The Better Buy Project Forward: An Exercise in Change

From The Better Buy Project blog After attending the recent Better Buy Project panel this past week, I blogged about my observations and some issues that came up from that conversation. That lively discussion continued on the GovLoop Acquisition 2.0 community. Although many commentators took different takes, I think we all agreed that one ofRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 5: Repeat. Or, Go back to Phase 1, but not Square 1 – Build on your Success

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. In this post you’ll learn how the capabilities and possibilities you’ve developed, will allow you to take your organization to the next higher level, and the next, and the next… When you repeat, you apply theRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Nancy Heltman

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead As human beings continue to have significant impacts on the environment and its resources, education is the perfect tool to inform individuals of how their behaviors and patterns are having negativeRead… Read more »

Donate Clothing to Local Veterans in Need

Happy Holidays to All of You!!!! And now a favor to ask… I work at a Veterans Affairs hospital here in Pittsburgh and was talking to some of the veteran patients today. Many of them, especially in our homeless rehab programs, come in with very little clothing and some have extended stays in the hospital.Read… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 4: Review your Impact

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. In this post you’ll learn the importance of Reviewing the impact you’ve had on your organizations efficiency. You’ll Review at a pre-determined time which you set in your Planning stage. When exactly that will be, isRead… Read more »