Human Resources

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets -The 2009 Federal Workforce Policy Forum (#ingov)

All times are Pacific Time June 10, 2009 6:01 am InnoGOV: Federal Workforce Policy Forum is about to start in just a few minutes… follow along using hashtag #INGOV 6:12 am InnoGOV: going thru the room & introducing ourselves…lots of great HR ppl from various fed agencies! #INGOV 6:16 am InnoGOV: In one word, whatRead… Read more »

Rush Limbaugh’s Commentary on the Imbalance of Compensation for Soldiers and Their Families

I never thought that I would find myself saying this, but Rush Limbaugh elucidates a crucial point in the commentary below. He discusses the gross disparities between compensation for our soldiers versus families of victims of the 9/11 attacks, as well as the congressmen and women who put them in harm’s way. This is aRead… Read more »

FedPitch: Recruiting state and local employees into the federal service

Below is my winning idea for FedPitch 2009. Thanks to all the Govloopers who provided feedback on my idea before the competition. I’ll join the FedPitch organizers and judges this Friday FEDTalk on Federal News Radio at 11:00 AM to discuss FedPitch, then later in the month I’ll join my fellow finalists for dinner withRead… Read more »

“A Federal Family Portrait” and “Reaching Generation C”

This past week, I delivered a couple presentations at the 2009 American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) International Conference and Exposition. Below are the slide decks. After you’ve had a chance to peruse them, I’d be interested in getting your feedback on a couple key question that arose in all of my sessions: 1.Read… Read more »

Web 2.0 as a Means to $AVE

I just read an article on a new study from Watson Wyatt Worldwide which indicates that employers are looking to get the most out of their HR technology — shocking considering this economy, eh? So what did the survey say about utilizing social networking to communicate internally and making the investment now with the gaolRead… Read more »

Social Portals. Why? How? When?

Should Facebook and other social portals—tools and networks designed to build social relationships and friendships be used as a primary means to formulate public policy? Are the social portals the right (and best) strategic approach to support the multiple roles and needs of government agencies — now and into the future? If we today promoteRead… Read more »

Is Social Software the Answer to Government Onboarding & Offboarding?

It may be hard to believe, but in some Government departments, the rate of attrition will reach 50% over the next five years (direct quote from a Government HR professional). While this retiring group will do well to bring down Government deficit loads, it requires agencies to imagine how to more effectively onboard with allRead… Read more »

Books I’m currently reading or have recently finished

Mobilizing Generation 2.0: A Practical Guide to Using Web2.0 Technologies to Recruit, Organize and Engage Youth by Ben Rigby, Rock the Vote Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies by Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools by Gwen Solomon, Lynne Schrum World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers that Get MillionsRead… Read more »