Human Resources

Hiring in Government

I just read an interesting article from the Washington Post. I encourage you to read it, especially those of you who may be responsible for hiring, or communications. Did you know that in the next four years, approximately 1/3 of government (Federal) jobs will need to be filled? With 3/4 of its workforce being overRead… Read more »

Project of Week – Open Forum Foundation

I met Wayne at Gov 2.0 Barcamp on one Sunday morning as a group of volunteers were planning the eventual conference. I was impressed with his ideas and thought processes and was wondering what he was up to. That day and at the actual Gov 2.0 Barcamp he told me about his group “Open ForumRead… Read more »

Corporate/Government Training Classes

Taken any training classes recently? Being in IT we take classes every year to keep abreast of the new technology, even if it’s only to learn a new Microsoft operating system that will be gone in three years. We also get management courses. How to manage people, projects, time, whatever. The instructors aren’t called “instructors”Read… Read more »

Highlights of the Federal Virtual Worlds Consortium Conference April 23-24

1. Most business happens outside of meetings. Virtual worlds increase serendipitous meetings that would not happen on video conference, webinars, teleconferences etc… 2. New Value Proposition Web 1.0 Access/find Web 2.0 share/participate/collaborate Web 3.0 co-create 3. Co-creation is the most experiential 4. Virtual Worlds provide a Cohesion of Presence (Herbeck) – this is why weRead… Read more »

Carbon Offsets: Not just a good idea, it’s the LAW!

Anyone old enough to remember that commercial – “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature?” The sooner we can get off the fossil fuel merry-go-round, the better, I say. And the better for Mother Earth. In this administration’s efforts to become more green, it’s possible to envision a day when government agencies will be requiredRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Napolitano Apologizes Directly to Vets Group for Report

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized directly today to Commander Dave Rehbein, head of the American Legion, after a recently leaked DHS intelligence report suggested that right-wing extremist groups might recruit military veterans returning from overseas deployments. The 45-minute meeting occurred at DHS headquarters in Washington this afternoon. A detailed account of the meeting fromRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: GAO: States Struggling With Stimulus Funding

Most state governments have barely touched their federal economic stimulus money and some state officials have expressed concern that they may not be able to manage the extra money and oversight, according to a report issued today by the Government Accountability Office. GAO Acting Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro, who appeared today along with federal,Read… Read more »

Obama announces new veterans’ electronic medical records system

The joint virtual lifetime electronic record will, among other things, help ensure a streamlined transition of health care records between the Pentagon and the Veterans Administration. “When a member of the armed forces separates from the military, he or she will no longer have to walk paperwork from a [Defense Department] duty station to aRead… Read more »

Biggest Losers in Space?

H.R. 1962 We, the United States of America, cannot afford to become the biggest Losers in Space! If we allow the Space Shuttle program to close, for a period of at least 5 years (because programs always over-run) we will be completely dependent on Russia and possibly other nations’ space programs. WE will be sendingRead… Read more »