Human Resources

States Using Twitter to Convey Information About Stimulus Spending

I’ve found two states, Colorado and Nebraska, that are tweeting their spending of stimulus money. @CO_recovery @recoverynegov Examples from Nebraska feed: First Recovery Funds Awarded for State Road Improvements: Gov. Dave Heineman today an.. PM Mar 17th from twitterfeed Food Stamp Benefits to Increase in April: Food stamp benefits will increase starting ..… Read more »

Job Vacancies and Communicating With the Silent Type

Originally posted at An agency contact person is identified on the vacancy announcement of each federal job. Contact the agency contact person for your target job if you have any questions about: · How your application has faired thus far in the selection process. Yes, the agency contact person can and will tell youRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama’s Cabinet Heads: Players or Props?

As President Obama spent much of his week touting the benefits of the economic stimulus package, he seemed to use his cabinet secretaries and some well-timed events as props and backdrops in what one might call “Obama Stimulus Roadshow.” Some examples: MONDAY • During a ceremony announcing his intention to nominate Kansas Gov. Kathleen SebeliusRead… Read more »

Who is Responsible for Leadership Development?

In many agencies there is disagreement over who is responsible for leadership development. In some organizations, responsibility for leadership development is delegated to HR. In others, leadership development is viewed as the domain of trainers. In yet other organizations, employees expect the agency’s senior leadership to take the lead. They are all right—to a point.Read… Read more »

Andrew Krzmarzick! – Featured Govloop Member

Andrew Krzmarzick is a Senior Project Manager at the Graduate School, USDA. I met him on govloop and I asked him to be our featured member because I see him leading the effort to make government better using social media tools. Quietly, (if that is possible with twitter and blogging,) I see Andrew one classRead… Read more »

The Net is the World’s Largest Library. The Problem is That all the Books are on the Floor

Traditionally, metadata adds structure to otherwise unstructured content. Modern systems open the possibility of unstructured metadata. Rating systems and folksonomies both fall into this category. These user generated finding aids give designers and content specialists, especially those who work in libraries, 😉 pause. We have to: * determine whether our projects would benefit from lowerRead… Read more »

Rogue Technology Runs Amok @govloop

A recent Lawson/Forrester Report tells us among other things that we must accept “rogue technologies” to stay on top of our business in 2009. I AGREE. Do you feel like a rogue? From the article: 2009 Trends To Watch In Human Resource Management “The following technology and business process-driven trends will be evident in HRMRead… Read more »


Hi Everyone, I’m a recently retired cop & I’m in search of my 2nd career in the Federal Gov’t. While I was poking around on the web for jobs & related Info. I found the website which is the website for the book by Richard Bolles, “What Color Is Your Parachute? 2009 – ARead… Read more »