5 Ways to Smash Stereotypes of Jobseekers over 50
If you are in a job search over the age of 50, chances are you have encountered challenges due to conscious or unconscious biases based on perceptions of the more mature worker.
If you are in a job search over the age of 50, chances are you have encountered challenges due to conscious or unconscious biases based on perceptions of the more mature worker.
While employees may be distracted and preoccupied with the election and inevitable fallout afterward, it’s crucial to maintain a sense of clarity in terms of your team’s expectations.
To help new moms and dads who work for the federal government Congress needs to pass paid parental leave legislation. The Family and Medical Leave Act provides important benefits, but it requires people to take unpaid leave. The sad truth is many federal employees can’t afford to do that. That’s why it’s imperative for Congress… Read more »
The receiving office doesn’t has a responsibility for helping that new hire ‘hit the road running’ and helping that employee feel welcome. One way to do that? A second office-specific orientation.
As baby boomers retire, organizations are faced with how to attract – and retain – younger employees. It’s a particular challenge for government organizations that may not seem like appealing – or lucrative – career paths. What do millennials – those 73 million individuals born between 1980 and 1996 – really want in a job?Read… Read more »
Federal employees shouldn’t have to choose between their jobs and caring for themselves or their immediate family members. That’s where the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can help. Here are few basics about this important law.
16 years into the 21st century, you would think that recruiters in search for the best talent would not exclude a diverse applicant pool from the hiring mix. Unfortunately, that is exactly what many human capital offices do every day by writing job announcements in a way that exclude female and people of color candidates.
One aspect of engagement that most agencies don’t consider is that it can start before the employee onboards. Here are three strategies you can use to engage new hires before they arrive on the first day of work.
Over my career, I have worked for many toxic leaders in many toxic organizations. As a result, I have become something of an expert on identifying the warning signs.
In 1976, I had a conversation with a coach from a rival high school basketball team after his dynasty beat my America Indian high school for their 78th straight victory at home. He proclaimed, “It is great to win but it is so lonely at the top.” That must be how white people in theRead… Read more »