Human Resources

“Have It Your Way” for More Flexible, Effective Talent Management Solutions

Just as the relationship between corporate IT departments and employees has shifted, interactions between vendors and CHCOs are evolving toward a state of greater collaboration, in the interest of flexible systems that are highly responsive to agency demands. As a result, the systems elevate business process management capabilities. There’s no need to “reinvent the wheel”… Read more »

3 Ways to Develop Millennials into the Next Generation of Government Leaders

Faced with tight budgets and competition from the lucrative and perk-heavy private sector, government leaders are seeking new ways to engage with the mobile and social generation that is Millennials. Government agencies should explore three key strategies for attracting, retaining and developing the next generation of government talent.

HR Technology: “Do Your Own Thing” – Even in Light of Ch-Ch-Changes

Customization remains key. IT vendors are increasingly recognizing that they can no longer force tech to dictate functions. They understand that – if solutions do not adapt to existing, preferred processes – then users will reject the new tech outright.