Tips for Handling Difficult People: Part 2
Tips on how to rise above the difficulty.
Tips on how to rise above the difficulty.
The newly-released President Barrack Obama’s Administration’s Fiscal Year 2017 Federal Budget Proposal includes the 1.6% federal employee pay raise and six weeks of fully paid parental leave for federal employees, among others.
Obama has laid out some new regulations that would require every big enterprise to report the incomes of employees based on ethnicity, gender and race.
The first step in turning around a negative working relationship is the awareness and acceptance that a negative working relationship can lead to your own ineffective execution of projects and processes relative to your success.
We are all fighting our own battles, some more public than others. At this moment, I am fighting the urge to retreat into my comfort zone. But it’s actually not so comfortable to be so isolated.
More than ever, there is intense pressure now to derive as much ROI out of recruitment/onboarding/training and development processes as possible. Across the board, the potential for strong ROI begins with the quality of the candidate.
Last fall, when the 7.4% (on average) increase in FEHB (Federal Employees Health Benefits) premiums was announced by the government to employees and retirees, it was the largest premium increase since 2011.
A discussion about the resurgence of the SES and how govies can better prepare themselves for these senior positions.
White privilege dominates the federal government. This condition gives White people tremendous advantage in a bureaucracy that rewards connection, uniformity and the status quo. In workplace environments controlled by a homogeneous group of people, confirmation and experience bias take root as members gravitate toward associates who look like them, talk like them and act likeRead… Read more »
NASA Goddard has given the term “bill of rights” an entirely new meaning and redefined the way new employees are treated on their first day at work.