Human Resources

HUD’s Approach to Engage Millennials Early and Often

Data shows that millennials are leaving government at faster rates than Gen Xers and baby boomers. And although the outlook seems bleak, agencies should use this data to fuel change and new ideas that keep all employees, especially newly hired millennials, engaged and inclined to stay on board.

How to Increase Your Female Applicant Pool

The percentage of female federal hires decreased from 43 percent in 2000 to 37 percent in 2012, according to a September 2014 report from the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). Why? MSPB says an increase in male applicants – not discrimination – may be the primary cause of a widening gap in gender representation. For one thing, veteran’s preferentialRead… Read more »

Learn How to Recruit Millennials

In part one of our millennial blog post with Deloitte we debunked millennial myths in government. In part two, we look at how to actually bring those millennials into government. With every new generation government must find new ways to attract and recruit the next group of employees. This time around, government needs to hireRead… Read more »

Why Being Uncomfortable is Necessary for Progress

Statistics are safe, objective. A useful part of our work culture, statistics help us navigate around white fragility. We acquire them, require them, and reinforce privilege of not being the subjects most impacted. We have a hard time imagining where to begin unraveling these statistics with people who are not immersed in these reports, unlike… Read more »

Feel the Empowerment: How to Comply with OPM’s New Employee Engagement Guidance

Utilizing modern, automated solutions, agencies can easily move off pen-to-paper and fillable forms in their review process, opening the door for better record-keeping of both formal and informal reviews. While ongoing conversations between workers and managers are beneficial, both parties can easily forget important points and takeaways from these conversations over time. The best, modern… Read more »