Human Resources

How Maine is Tapping Millennial Expertise to Recruit Millennials

The state didn’t hire a team of consultants to figure out that it took applicants nine clicks to find the state’s Office of IT (OIT) job site or that job seekers weren’t sure of the difference between open hire and direct hire. Those were just a few of the issues a handful of OIT interns… Read more »

The Best Government Conferences of 2016 [Updated]

This list should help you plan for 2016 and start advocating for those precious professional development dollars. Here you’ll find brand new events you might want to check out as well as established events that might be new to you. Many are essential conferences that those working in government cannot do without.

Unified Talent Management: A “One Stop Shop” Approach to Workforce Management

A best practice approach towards strengthening your workforce is to implement a unified talent management (UTM) system. The ‘unified’ feature is the most critical element because all talent management functions – recruiting, learning, succession, and more – are housed in one location. This enables each program to “talk” to each other to better manage the… Read more »

Why Job Rotations Are Vital to the Senior Executive Service

Both current and former federal employees argue that SESers need job rotations to grow professionally and prepare to meet the government’s most pressing needs. Elizabeth Kolmstetter, Chief Human Capital Officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development is one of those proponents. Her story is one example of the valuable opportunities that come from job… Read more »

Embracing Data-The Best Places to Work in Federal Gov

Why does the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) poll government employees every year about the best places to work in the federal government? Is it a recruitment tool for those considering public service? To gauge employee satisfaction? Just for fun? Maybe. However, the Partnership for Public Service (PPS), wants the survey to be a sourceRead… Read more »