The Google Definition of Team
Take a teaspoon of diversity, mix it with a pint of recognition and embracing differences, and you will be well on your way to creating teams that resemble the taxpayers we serve.
Take a teaspoon of diversity, mix it with a pint of recognition and embracing differences, and you will be well on your way to creating teams that resemble the taxpayers we serve.
This interviewee was featured in our recent guide, Understanding State and Local Government. To read the guide, click here. We’ve all heard about the aging workforce. The state of Pennsylvania is no exception to the statistics that tell us that well over a third of their workforce will be eligible to retire over the nextRead… Read more »
Today, your training team should include the following roles in either part- or full-time capacity.
Have we idolized the model of individual achievement to the detriment of group success?
Modern discrimination is less about treating other people badly and more about showing preference to people in our in-group.
Oftentimes customer service is an afterthought for overworked, under-budgeted and underappreciated states. And citizens are obligated to use government services, so why does the experience matter? Why waste the money? It matters, says Illinois Chief Information Officer Hardik Bhatt because, “governments don’t go out of business, but businesses go out of government.” In 2013, IllinoisRead… Read more »
In November 2014, former Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta announced a new governmentwide initiative to improve workforce recruitment, engagement, diversity and inclusion. Now under Beth Cobert’s leadership, OPM explained how it will move the plan forward.
One of the critical responsibilities that rests on the shoulders of supervisors is employee discipline. Many times discipline is viewed as something negative hence it tends to be avoided — which just causes more problems. One way to address this issue is to change mindset and terminology about discipline and instead focus on the concept… Read more »
Drastically better talent management including a culture of high performance – it’s a proven, winning formula.
It’s no secret that professional relationships are a career asset. Just look at the success of LinkedIn. The social media platform is so successful because it helps facilitate relationships that are critical for moving millions of careers forward. But sometimes it can be tricky to identify which kind of relationship is most helpful at particular stages inRead… Read more »