Human Resources

Supervisors Should Manage Consequences, not Discipline

One of the critical responsibilities that rests on the shoulders of supervisors is employee discipline. Many times discipline is viewed as something negative hence it tends to be avoided — which just causes more problems. One way to address this issue is to change mindset and terminology about discipline and instead focus on the concept… Read more »

New Quiz! Do You Need a Mentor, Coach or Champion?

It’s no secret that professional relationships are a career asset. Just look at the success of LinkedIn. The social media platform is so successful because it helps facilitate relationships that are critical for moving millions of careers forward. But sometimes it can be tricky to identify which kind of relationship is most helpful at particular stages inRead… Read more »

How Race Neutrality and Diversity Undermined Affirmative Action

I miss the days of affirmative action. Without it, I would have never received a college scholarship. Back in the affirmative action day, people of color and women received special consideration in employment, college admissions and federal contract competition. The thinking behind affirmative action was based on the rectification of historic wrongs perpetuated against peopleRead… Read more »

You’re Hired! Cyber Pros Needed!

In the wake of countless breaches, state chief information officers (CIOs) are attempting to hire a more robust cybersecurity staff. But it’s not easy. One of the major stumbling blocks is the lack of talented cyber professionals-this is especially true at the state and local level.  Historically, CIOs have typically been viewed as the managersRead… Read more »