Help Your Federal Employees- Sign the Petition for a Holiday Nov 27, 2015
There is a petition on the We the People website asking for a paid Holiday Friday November 27, 2015. Please take a moment to sign it if you are so inclined.
There is a petition on the We the People website asking for a paid Holiday Friday November 27, 2015. Please take a moment to sign it if you are so inclined.
At some point during their careers, most managers will face the difficult task of dealing with an employee who consistently falls short of goals and is facing termination. And while the decision to fire someone is never easy, it’s even more challenging when it involves an employee who initially showed promise or who’s especially passionate… Read more »
Over the past decade the men and women that filled critical skills positions in government have been retiring and as a result have taken a vast amount of knowledge with them
No matter how savvy, smart, and cooperative your team, challenges can shake up any rhythm, discourage those involved, and derail progress. Resilience is the secret to learning from mistakes and growing stronger after a major challenge. Building resilience starts with team culture.
Innovation is a broad topic talked about in ways which confuse the subject. It’s also a subject that generates a wide range of reactions. This blog defines innovation and views it through three lenses – customer, organization, individual – to bring into focus what it might mean for you. I like to use a definitionRead… Read more »
It’s no secret that extroverts hold the majority of leadership roles in the professional world. When you call to mind a high level executive, you probably picture someone with an outgoing personality and commanding presence, instead of a quiet, reflective individual. A USA Today study even found that 65 percent of senior level managers believeRead… Read more »
Likely you’ve heard the term VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) and, perhaps, some agencies have begun utilizing the acronym in long-term strategic planning. But have you thought about its application in leadership selection and development? Here are some considerations to think about. Recently, at an international conference relating to assessment center methods, I listenedRead… Read more »
If your background investigation data was stolen in the massive OPM breach, here’s what you can expect during the notification process.
The productivity of a business, no matter the size, largely depends on the level of efficiency. In most cases, even huge businesses tend to have a chaotic organization. For instance, a common issue that leads to gross inefficiency is activity duplication. Another form of inefficiency is inconsistencies in task allocation to staff members. In most cases,Read… Read more »
“Hiring veterans is one of the best investments businesses can make in the future success of their companies and of our state.” – Governor Mark Dayton, July 2, 2015