Out-of-Office: 7 Tips before Vacationing
In a couple of weeks, I’m going on vacation! Being out of the office impacts more people than you might imagine. This week’s posts shares seven tips on what to do before getting away.
In a couple of weeks, I’m going on vacation! Being out of the office impacts more people than you might imagine. This week’s posts shares seven tips on what to do before getting away.
Engaging workplace change can be an unpredictable experience because processes and people evolve in diverse ways as they undergo change.
While government workers are usually motivated by intrinsic values of the organizational mission, understanding the unique factors of what makes your employees more satisfied and engaged at work is an important organizational feedback loop that lowers employee turnover, increases employee loyalty, improves productivity, and ultimately results in greater organizational impact and long-term success.
When we take on ownership of employee engagement, it helps ourselves as well as our colleagues to feel more involved and less burnt out.
The Office of Personnel Management released my agency’s engagement scores for 2015 last week and for the second year in a row, Asian Americans are the highest engaged group of employees by race at 72%. For the 7th year in a row, my group, American Indians/Alaska Natives had the lowest engagement levels by race ofRead… Read more »
The working adult spends 20% of their time performing their job. Read my 3 tips about ensuring that the people you work with don’t make your life a living nightmare…
How does a person work up the courage to put two wheels to pavement?
NASA, Federal Trade Commission and the Office of Management and Budget had the highest engagement score — 78 percent — among large agencies. For small agencies, U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service saw the highest engagement scores.
Do you ever find yourself laying in bed or sitting in front of the TV thinking, “If I could only get a chance, I’d make a difference”? Well, believe it or not, you can! In fact, you can stay in your PJs, in the comfort of your dorm room, and make a difference in theRead… Read more »
Most applicants don’t bother to write thank-you letters. Therefore, your letter will help you stand out from the thankless masses.