Human Resources

How to Build a Better Agency

In the early 2000s, the manager of the Oakland Athletics began using players’ performance data to build a better baseball team. Chris Curry, Director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues at the GAO, believes that the government should do the same. His GAO report, titled “Federal Emergency Management Agency: Additional Planning and Data Collection CouldRead… Read more »

Why It’s Hard To Interview Agency Employees For Publication

Awhile back, Steve Crescenzo came up with the idea of the “C.R.A.P. Awards” to designate worthless employee communication that says nothing, means nothing, and interests no one. (This article is worth a read.) A couple of problems:   #1: Getting approval Social media is simple and reductive. Subject matter experts think in complex terms and prefer toRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Work Better with Your Coworkers (No Matter How Unreasonable They Might Seem)

It seems like an easy enough task, right?  Getting along with your co-workers. But they’ve got a few little teeny, tiny annoying habits. Or maybe, instead, it’s a giant ego.  What can you do when your co-workers drive you crazy? Good working relationships take more than luck While you may have lucked out in yourRead… Read more »

3 Steps to Lead Change from the Middle

You’re stuck in the middle. LITERALLY. As middle management you get the seemingly impossible task of not just managing those who report to you, but the delicate balance of working with other managers AND keeping your boss happy (which generally means keeping his/her boss happy). So how do you keep both ends of the spectrumRead… Read more »

Millennials Seeking New Routes to Governance

You’re invited to delve deeper with millennial leadership! Get ready… Motivation, Accountability, Setting Goals and Achieving them are all skillsets Millennials retain – however, it is an ever-evolving process, being that common misconceptions tend to plague the Millennial generation such as, entitlement, overconfidence, and narcissistic behaviors. It is important to dispel those fallacies, and the leadershipRead… Read more »

The New Generation Gap: Diversity

The generation gap has taken many twists and turns. For Baby Boomers, the gap was between themselves and their Traditionalist parents. For Gen X’ers, the gap was more workplace related. For Millennials, the gap appears to center around the meaning of diversity-an interpretation that diverges from their parent’s views on differences. Who could have predictedRead… Read more »

6 Tips for Effective Meeting Management

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting that lacked clear direction and purpose? Perhaps it went on and on with nothing accomplished other than the need to schedule yet another meeting? Or, worst of all, did the participants do more talking over each other than collaborating and partnering in order to achieve a commonRead… Read more »