Human Resources

You Can Have it Both Ways — Centralized and Decentralized People Data Insight

For many people, staying the course, especially if things are going well, is the safest and easiest way forward. Moving away from the status quo and “the way it’s done” is difficult emotionally as well as intellectually. The same can hold true for federal agencies. As much as leadership may want to embrace change and… Read more »

3 Non-Defensive Tricks For Dealing With Tricky Coworkers

When I got my first career-path job after college, there was a lot I didn’t know about working in an office full of people who came from different backgrounds. I’d just moved to California and my New York communication style could come off as brash and blunt. I was often defensive and I unintentionally put people on the defensive.Read… Read more »

10 Ways You Can Manage Across Generations

There are four different generations working in government today—Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. When approaching working outside of our own generation, we often have a tendency to rely on stereotypes (i.e. Traditionalists will never accept change and Millennials are unreliable job hoppers) and that can ruin great partnerships before they ever get started.Read… Read more »

Planning the Data Center of the Future Requires More than Technology Alone

Agencies today are being asked to do a lot with their data. With information generated by new sources – from social media outlets to mobile devices – agencies must store, monitor, organize, access, and, most importantly, make sense of data in a way that allows them to best serve the American citizenry. The data centerRead… Read more »

Stopping the Mega Problem of Micromanaging

This post is a follow-up to an unanswered question from GovLoop’s recent training, Critical Conversations. Want more topics and information like this? Make sure to register for our upcoming training summit in July, the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Read the following statements and decide if you agree or disagree with each: Most of my time isRead… Read more »

How Do You Design and Develop Practical Training Fast and Efficiently?

A few weeks ago, GovLoop hosted an event we dubbed “The Future of Learning in Government.” At the outset of the event, we asked participants to jot down their training challenges on a a 3X5 card and turn them in. I happened to be flipping through those cards today and one question struck me as particularlyRead… Read more »

Cereal, Soda, Cigarettes and the Annual Federal Performance Review – Hope for Humanity!

If we can get smarter about what we devour, we should be able to do the same with the disdained annual performance review. Thankfully, we are. Perhaps nothing in the HR field is under as much attack these days as the annual performance review, an event typically loathed equally by both employee and manager. As… Read more »

Haters Gonna Hate, So What Can You Do About It?

This post is a follow-up to an unanswered question from GovLoop’s recent training, Critical Conversations. Want more topics and information like this? Make sure to register for our upcoming training summit in July, the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. While my distaste for cilantro is legendary and I’d rather clean a chicken coop than watch aRead… Read more »