Human Resources

When Deflated Footballs Are More Important Than a Racial Slur

Recently the self-regulating, non-profit called the National Football League (NFL) that does not pay any income taxes added more ridicule to its shameless history when it penalized the New England Patriots for using under inflated footballs during its American Football Conference (AFC) game against the Indianapolis Colts on January 18, 2005. You may be sayingRead… Read more »

You Can Be a Conflict Manager!

Conversations in the workplace are often fickle, especially when conflict arises. Are you speaking professionally enough? Are you correctly deciphering the source of conflict? Most importantly, are you going to reach an effective outcome? Answers to these common questions were explored Wednesday, May 13th during GovLoop’s webinar, Critical Conversations: Communicating Up, Down and Sideways. HumanRead… Read more »

Statistical Spot Checks for Your Agency’s Diversity Profile

Maintaining a diverse federal workforce and eliminating barriers to equal employment opportunity are not only required practices for federal agencies under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Management Directive 715, but are also crucial to encouraging a more effective and creative workforce with less internal strife. The private sector is now investing heavily in diversity programsRead… Read more »

Harness the Power of Unstructured HR Data with Text Analytics

Federal HR professionals with access to electronic employee databases typically have access to a wealth of so-called “structured” employee data, or information that can be quickly counted and analyzed in spreadsheet programs to create pivot tables and reports. Examples of structured HR data include employee salary and demographic information and employee survey responses, all ofRead… Read more »

Keeping It Simple with One USDA

Have you ever worked at a large company or organization prior to government? If so, you’ve probably experienced the complexity of vast human resources departments. At many companies or private organizations, they’ve got it down to a science – recruiting, application, interview processes, and onboarding – it all happens seamlessly. The government is the largestRead… Read more »

Wins, Losses, and Next Steps for Female Feds

We’re making progress, but there’s more to be done. That’s the main takeaway from the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) recent report, Women in Federal Service: A Seat at Every Table, which used workforce data and Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) results to analyze that status of women in government. What I appreciate most about this reportRead… Read more »

A Brief Introduction to Starting an Outstanding Intern Program

There are a ton of freely available articles, blogs, how to’s, and other publications about the benefits of good internship programs so why haven’t you started one yet? A need has been identified. In another blog post on Donna Dyer describes that 20% of interns graduating in 2014 wanted to intern in government. ThisRead… Read more »