
What Collaborative Technology for Government Should Look Like

As agencies transition to more hybrid work, they need collaborative technology that allows employees to communicate seamlessly and securely, from anywhere and across various mediums. That includes phone solutions.

Pitch to Win: Making Your Proposals Successful

Innovation starts with ideas, and you’ve got plenty of good ones. But getting them across to decision-makers can seem daunting. It doesn’t need to be. Giving a good pitch involves techniques and skills that you can learn and practice. We asked two innovation experts to share what works. Choose Winning Ideas “You’re not going toRead… Read more »

Winners of 13th Annual Granicus Digital Government Awards Announced

Granicus has just announced the winners of its 2023 Digital Government Awards — recognizing state and local agencies that excelled in seven award categories: Changemaker, Community Engagement, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Operational Efficiency, Trust & Transparency, and Website of the Year.

Government Agencies Need Generative AI Laboratories

Government agencies need room to find out the best uses of AI to achieve their goals and to help those they serve. They need AI laboratories that provide a safe space to experiment, to find out what works, and — maybe more importantly — what doesn’t.

Unsung Heroes:  The Technical Team Behind the US Administration for Children and Families

When one thinks of ACF, your mind might understandably drift toward the frontline workers, the policy makers, or the many initiatives undertaken to support vulnerable children and families across the United States. However, behind the scenes lies a team of dedicated professionals whose work is instrumental to ACF’s operations and mission: the technical team enabling… Read more »