Mainframe Modernization: Paving the Way for New Possibilities
Eventually, agencies must confront a hard truth about their legacy mainframe environments: While reliable, stable platforms, they’re not exactly innovative.
Eventually, agencies must confront a hard truth about their legacy mainframe environments: While reliable, stable platforms, they’re not exactly innovative.
Breaking barriers will help promote equality, increase inclusion, and build participation.
Many times, the very communities that are at the epicenter of crises are dynamic enough to have pockets of educated and ambitious entrepreneurs.
University research is a big business. But federally imposed administrative requirements divert researchers to focus on non-value-added activities.
Are you struggling to make meetings productive, or processes efficient, or your office a cohesive unit?
If fully embraced by those working to advance agency missions and improve the lives of citizens through technology, I believe these three simple words have the power to transform.
For government agencies, the next stage of the cloud journey is cloud-native development, moving from monolithic programs to smaller, portable applications
Agencies can provide a solid data foundation for their AI programs by optimizing data and creating a data governance model.
Disruptive innovation is really the only option when doing what you’re doing now simply won’t get your organization where it needs to be.
Product designers continue to push the frontier of understanding the user. This improves the usability of our systems and solutions. But at what point does it become the responsibility of the designer to drive habits and behaviors that the end user actually wants.