Cloud-Based CX Helps Agencies Upgrade the Customer Journey
Transitioning to a cloud-based CX solution is how agencies will reap big rewards in terms of more efficient operations, easier management and better CX.
Transitioning to a cloud-based CX solution is how agencies will reap big rewards in terms of more efficient operations, easier management and better CX.
With the launchpad of its Washington Bot, NASA’s project has served as a model for RPA efforts at the General Services Administration and other federal agencies.
Much like emergency services have mastered coordination between a central location and field stations, government cybersecurity departments need a connected response system to extinguish threats across the enterprise as soon as they’re detected.
The barrier to entry for agencies that adopt innovative technologies and approaches can seem daunting. It’s hard enough to change the hearts and minds of those used to working a certain way, but then there’s the challenge of learning a new process or tool.
Managing security risks and developing next-generation software often feels like competing priorities in government.
Data and automation were at the top of the talking point list for 2020 when federal officials and an industry partner spoke at GovLoop’s online training, “Gov’s Technology Wishlist,” on Tuesday.
Highlighting a government pioneer who co-founded an association to support government customer service professionals.
I’m over government “innovation.” Not because innovation isn’t conceptually important, but because of the term carries a sense of ownership relegated to a chosen few in any given organization.
Often, moonshot type endeavors are not and cannot be financed privately – either due to sheer complexity, extended time horizons for attainment, or the sheer magnitude of financial investment needed. These types of projects instead require government involvement.
The network is the foundation that enables the delivery of innovative IT modernization solutions that government employees and constituents can use.