How to Design City Technology with Community
User experience design grounded in community insights and followed by the rapid implementation can be a recipe for success.
User experience design grounded in community insights and followed by the rapid implementation can be a recipe for success.
There are many government agencies with interesting and important missions you may never have heard of, including hurricane hunting and biodiversity banks.
How the scotch whisky industry inspires integrity and excellence through community.
Agencies such as the Department of Defense (DoD) need a new medium for their data to maneuver on. This is where modern networks come to play.
The more agencies incorporate employees’ needs into their training and development, the better prepared they will be to embrace new ways of doing business.
Here are four areas where the government is currently doing well, along with four areas in which it could improve going into the 2020 technology landscape.
Learn how government can make the most out of unstructured data thanks to modern digital solutions.
Robotic process automation takes the burden of repetitive tasks away from employees by processing them automatically, instead of having employees do them.
To deliver mission-critical services and be efficient in today’s world, government agencies are shifting IT from traditional infrastructure operations.
The “Innovation Community Center” (ICC) is a digital hub that will invite internal and external stakeholders to solve challenges using emerging and inventive technologies.