5 Things to Know About Quantum Computing
A quantum expert at the National Institute of Standards and Technology offers thoughts on where quantum computing is today and what impacts it will have.
A quantum expert at the National Institute of Standards and Technology offers thoughts on where quantum computing is today and what impacts it will have.
The journey toward net-zero sustainability requires not only technical expertise to address the significant energy and resource requirements of high-tech solutions, but also collaboration and long-term commitment. And it calls for a new kind of chief technology officer.
There’s no easy way to explain quantum computing without getting deep into the kind of math that only quantum physicists understand. But here’s a brief overview that makes quantum computing understandable for the rest of us.
Quantum computing offers much potential, including the ability to break current encryption algorithms that protect data. The good news is that there are solutions.
We’re now accepting nominations for the 2024 NextGen Public Service Awards.
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Here is a comprehensive listing of May’s professional development opportunities from GovLoop.