Preparing for the Internet of Things

Certain parts of government have been eager adopters of IoT technologies, while others have lagged behind. Some hesitation is certainly warranted, considering the serious security risks these devices pose. But the government has a vital role to play in our IoT society—both in wielding these technologies for the public good and in regulating them against… Read more »

Why Sensor Data Collection Is Revolutionizing the Internet of Things

Today, IoT has moved the connected world beyond BYOD to incorporate new sensors and other embedded platforms. As sensors are exponentially increasing the volume of data points that are collected, organizations today must have a system, platform and process in place to organize this data in order understand and act on it.

The Public Sector Future of Interfacing with the Internet of Things

To discuss more about how the public sector can properly interface and interact with this new world of data and sensors, GovLoop sat down with Steven Sarnecki, Vice President, Federal & Public Sector, and Stephen Bates, Director, Advanced Analytics at OSIsoft, an industry leader in operational intelligence and advanced data analytics for over 35 years.