How to Lead With a “Wise Mind”
Wise mind leaders pick the right way to engage at the right time. They are able to shift the organization from action to consideration, and back, with a fluidity that creates opportunity and value.
Wise mind leaders pick the right way to engage at the right time. They are able to shift the organization from action to consideration, and back, with a fluidity that creates opportunity and value.
CIOs with strong business backgrounds may be good with peer leadership. Can they effectively lead and inspire a technology organization?
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
Deciding between two or more things is not going to be easy, and there will be a choice you’re leaning more towards. A decision matrix can lessen the anxiety or bias you have by forcing you to prioritize what’s most important to you.
Transformational leadership can be uncommon in government. Here are five lessons that can be learned from a transformational leader.
For me, leading through influence is not picking a new direction and persuading people to get on board. What I’m talking about is different. It’s the ability to be sell your idea in a crowded field of ideas and then get people to help you implement it.
Building meaningful relationships with your coworkers makes you a happier, more effective employee.
Effective managers include their team members in creating a mission, vision and road map, and iterate on that shared vision. They recognize the value of their employees by eliminating obstacles to success and creating opportunities to amplify the impact of the work produced.
It’s still possible to find fulfillment at work when your supervisor is a moron. Two common mantras in our culture today are: “I hate my job” and “my boss is a jerk.” While both statements may be true, hating your job because your boss is a jerk isn’t going to lead anywhere good. According toRead… Read more »
Don’t we all want to produce optimal results? Isn’t that the mission of your organization? Don’t your supervisors, executives and elected officials expect that? Then why are so many organizations tempted to ignore best practices?