Meet the NextGen Award Winners
The NextGen Awards highlight the work and leadership of some of our country’s most innovative and dedicated public servants.
The NextGen Awards highlight the work and leadership of some of our country’s most innovative and dedicated public servants.
When employees feel truly appreciated for what they do and who they are, resistance to change can be reduced significantly.
A quality mentorship can be instrumental in advancing your career, but be ready to put in the work needed to make it successful.
Leaders are responsible for understanding their data, even if they don’t have all of the answers. At a minimum, they should create a culture of strong data stewardship and governance, capable of answering these questions.
If legislatures want their staff to feel safe, they need to put better measures in place to help safeguard staff who come forward regarding these abuses of power.
There’s a growing appetite among federal CIOs to move from merely talking about transforming government IT and cyber, to actually institutionalizing change.
Many employees err by assuming that only management and executive staff need to strive for greater emotional intelligence. Actually, fine-tuning emotional intelligence is for everyone.
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you these monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
Whether you work in an outside office, telecommute from home, or do some of both each week, having an organized workspace can help you be more productive each day, and I believe, reduce your stress.
Whether fishing for food necessary for sustainment of our bodies or for recreation purposes, fishing can provide us with some valuable leadership lessons, including insight on patience, persistence, peace, and prosperity.