5 Things You Need to Know About Federal News From the Past Month
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you these monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you these monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
At our recent GovUp, we heard from productivity coach Amy Kelly. Kelly took the stress out of productivity goals by outlining a five-step model to what she calls “powerful productivity”. That’s productivity that not only achieves efficiency goals but also helps individuals stay engaged and encouraged with their work.
Every generation portrays itself as living in ‘extraordinary times’ marked by dangers and opportunities. It goes without saying that certain leadership qualities may be more effective than others during such times.
While good things happen when employees feel appreciated, communicating appreciation to staff is not a miracle salve that cures all wounds. Sometimes well-meaning supervisors (and sometimes lazy managers who don’t want to do the hard work of dealing with problems) try to use appreciation as a “quick fix” for deeper issues that need to be… Read more »
The White House on Friday announced President Donald Trump’s intent to appoint Suzette Kent as the next federal CIO. Kent will be the fourth person and first woman to hold this role in a permanent capacity.
Change implies risk and openness takes courage. How do you show up?
Whether coaching kids or leading adults, the simple lessons we learn on the ball fields of our lives are relevant and timeless. When you truly believe in your team, everything becomes possible.
People often think that introverts are at a disadvantage when it comes to trying to advance to leadership positions. The true test of our leadership potential is not found in our natural personality profile, or our introversion or extroversion. It’s about our ability to be self-aware and to use our awareness as a guide for… Read more »
There are just as many ways to get involved in activism and help women without pulling extra shifts at a local charity. Consider these five ways to get involved without stretching yourself (or your budget) thin.
When working in a Diminishing environment, you can be a beacon of light for yourself and others. Here’s how.