The Fezziwig Approach to Management
You can’t even think the name Fezziwig without smiling because it’s a fun combination of sounds and it brings up fond images. Learn how you can exemplify his leadership at your workplace.
You can’t even think the name Fezziwig without smiling because it’s a fun combination of sounds and it brings up fond images. Learn how you can exemplify his leadership at your workplace.
We had an amazing response, over 2800 people replied, and over 900 shared individual stories of their worst experiences at work during the holidays – which seems to confirm the intense energy around the issue of workplace holiday celebrations.
My father provided me valuable life and leadership lessons. Dad’s work ethic has been an enduring example of how to model integrity and excellence.
Unequal wage compensation, gender imbalances in senior positions, inflexible schedules and even active disparagement of women continue to affect organizations of every size and in every industry. But the positive news is that there are basic steps your agency can take to create a better workplace culture for women and improve female retention.
Approaching leadership as a practice can help us avoid the leadership gap that occurs when we understand our leadership title to be a license to wield power, rather than the responsibility to offer inspiration.
This Q&A is part of a new GovLoop series called “CIO Conversations.” Throughout 2018 we’ll feature conversational interviews twice a month with current and former federal, state and local chief information officers to get to know the people behind the titles. You’ll learn about the perks and challenges of their job, how they ended upRead… Read more »
Vote for one of these three to be the government/military Multiplier of the Year!
Experts argue that the benefits to cloud and automation are greater than the difficulties. Panelists discussed this in a recent online training.
Leaders need to know what they should hoard and what they should purge. The key is finding the right balance in terms of time, people and guiding principles.
The basic question that I ask when answering whether I consider someone a leader or not is whether people are following them.