How Collaborative IT Consolidation Empowers DOI Employees
Larry Gillick, Deputy Director of Digital Strategy at the Interior Department, is on a quest to champion good ideas and processes — no matter where they come from.
Larry Gillick, Deputy Director of Digital Strategy at the Interior Department, is on a quest to champion good ideas and processes — no matter where they come from.
As leaders moving through tumultuous or challenging times, our instinct is to reassure staff who are worried about uncertainty and potential problems that lie ahead. Although our intentions are good and our inclination is to help, we often want to come to the rescue. An alternative to being a fixer is to simply help our… Read more »
In his new book, “A Seat at the Table,” former USCIS CIO Mark Schwartz explains how the roles of IT leaders in government are changing.
The credo of “people over process” is probably the cultural Netflix norm most adoptable by government at all levels. It starts with giving people more say in their work, the information they need to make good decisions and candor about group and institutional performance – at all levels of the organization.
When an opportunity is properly seeded and people can see it for themselves, intellectual energy is naturally created. The next step is to focus that energy by providing a challenge in such a way that it creates a huge stretch for a team or organization.
At GovLoop’s recent GovUp, a new series of after-work career and leadership development workshops, we heard from Leadership Coach Andy Gingrich. He explained how “the secret sauce of requests” can help transform communication, even in the most confrontational of situations. He also walked us through an exercise to prove it.
Lean management provides the ability to study and manage employees and their related processes breaking them down into a kind of supply chain view. Then, focus on what works and what does not work thus, providing input for a model for improvement.
We all feel better looking back on accomplishments we can measure, see and touch. When we work for the government, this can feel like a challenge. To meet this challenge, we need to foster and maintain a sense of empowerment.
Greater mission demands with smaller workforces are driving a need to reframe the old axiom Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way. It also demonstrates the need for strong leadership, dynamic followership and accountability.
The public sector will never have the “no strings attached” freedom of a genius grant. But finding solutions to increasingly complex challenges demands that we foster conditions for dynamic, creative approaches to today’s problems.