10 Tips for Briefing Your Boss With Data
One of the mistakes people make is that the data steals the show, and it is left to tell its own story. Don’t fall victim to that trap. Check out these practical tips for leading data-drive briefings.
One of the mistakes people make is that the data steals the show, and it is left to tell its own story. Don’t fall victim to that trap. Check out these practical tips for leading data-drive briefings.
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They are driven. They are positive. They are energized. They are dedicated. We are proud to announce the 2017 NextGen Public Service Awards Winners! From reducing homelessness, battling Zika, conducting soil and water contamination research, improving literacy and saving government millions of dollars we are honored to highlight the impressive work of our winners.Read… Read more »
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Connecting with your colleagues through intentional conversation can help foster trust and transform your office’s culture.
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The youngest generation of public service has the opportunity to change the world.
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