How to Create a Coaching Program
The term coaching may not be what comes to mind when you think of a career in government, but having coaches at every level of your career is an asset.
The term coaching may not be what comes to mind when you think of a career in government, but having coaches at every level of your career is an asset.
We can all agree that advocating for yourself plays a vital role in the workplace. Unfortunately work is a complex political atmosphere even in the best situations. If being a good advocate for yourself is necessary in the workplace, then we need to figure out how to get better at it.
I have a way that we working professionals can watch these shows while gaining valuable lessons from our holiday heroes. My favorite, Rudolph, the beloved reindeer of Santa, has some leadership lessons for us all.
Being called bossy ¬– or worse – is nothing new for women in positions of authority. So what are we going to do about it? For better or worse, it’s up to every “bossy” lady out there to reframe female authority. Here’s four tips to do that.
The word is out on the street — the vast majority of employee recognition programs aren’t working. In interacting with HR professionals and corporate trainers across the country, the report from both professionals and front-line workers is that employee recognition is generally not having a positive impact on employees or workplace morale.
Building a strong brand can help an agency stand out in a competitive environment, one where employers are vying for employees with similar skills. Agencies should be leading the conversations about their workplaces and shaping how others identify them.
The verdict is in. We are living in an age of disruption; an information revolution, which most economists agree is as profound and disruptive as the agricultural and industrial revolutions. In his new book Thank you for Being Late Thomas Friedman refers to this as an “age of accelerations” in which markets, Mother Nature, and technology areRead… Read more »
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act — better known as the workers’ comp program for the federal workforce.
Succession planning is one of those critical tasks that organizations know they need to do. But few do it well — if at all. Here are some tips to help you plan for the workforce of the future.
To stay on track during the presidential transition, what potential career mistakes should you be sure to avoid?